This happens every year at Burning Man. They have an entire utility incharge of cleanup and restoration of the playa. So really the hypocrisy is with the people who leave stuff. The org will in fact leave nothing. Fucking thousands of bikes.
And get him off that damn Hawaiian Ice.
Context: I was raised in Chico during the rise of Sierra Nevada. I was drinking hoppy beer before it was a thing. I burnt out on the whole thing around 2010. Went to Germany and fell in love with their beer. So drinkable. I'm just really impressed.
Ahh they're trying to sell out. Gross.
Just kids having fun.
Ruthless tagging? lol
'Is the Dark Side stronger?' 'No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.'
Yakubian devils
lol welcome to America.
You know why you never see elephants hiding in trees? Cause they're so fucking good.
joined 2 years ago
No the org cleans up after burning man. They restore the playa back to normal. It's a big deal because if they didn't they would not be allowed that venue.