[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 45 points 2 months ago

Float-tanks are this:

Imagine a bigger-than-normal bathtub, so you can sprawl-out ( arms & lega akimbo ) without hitting the sides..

the water-density is upped with brine, instead of plain water ( the float-tanks place I used to go to used sacks of "bitter salts" & the texture of the brine was damn-near oily, and DO NOT EVER shave shortly before going into a brine-soak, or you're going to discover what stinging really means )

also it is brought up to a person's body-temperature, or close to it.

When there's no temperature-difference, & you're floating sooo high that drowning is much less likely ( the Dead Sea is probably the prototype for all float-tanks, btw ), & you aren't bumping into the walls, then you're in blissful sensory-deprivation ( total dark, too, obviously, probably use a timer, limit it to 2h max ), & meditation can be awesome in these conditions.

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submitted 2 months ago by Paragone@lemmy.world to c/firefox@lemmy.world

Maybe other people don't get the results I'm seeing, but it makes that page unusable in ff.

Brave has no problem rendering the page, though.

Anyways, since it seems to be a bug in ff, and I've learned that ff doesn't want any feedback from mobile-devices people, the bug report can be here,

or be deleted to not be fixed,

or whatever: I don't care, anymore.

Integrity requires that it be noted, but..

[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 28 points 3 months ago

some brain damage: malnutrition tends to aggravate or cause brain damage.

I'm a brain damage survivor: it sucks, it takes decades to undo ( neuroplasticity takes time to do rewiring ), and life is never going to be what it could have been.

Don't damage people's brains.

'tis a good rule, eh?

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 57 points 3 months ago

Hungary is aligned with Putin against the EU.

IF the EU won't admit that, won't deal-with that, THEN the EU will be more-completely-butchered when Trump guts NATO & backs his buddy Putin.

Natural Selection(tm) in action, people: they need to face actuality & grow the fuck up:

kick Hungary out.


They're actively treachery against the EU, DEAL WITH IT!!

( morons "willingly going to the seconary-crime-scene in the hopes of using social-process to make things go better, there"...


That has been explained by good-cops for many many many years.

Nobody learns.

Natural Selection is going to be unnecessarily pruning extra European lives, as a result of the EU's retardedness, in the coming decade. )

submitted 3 months ago by Paragone@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition", "The Practice of Network Security Monitoring", etc...

IF you can't afford the Safari subscription, which I presume would include all of these,

AND you want thorough competence in the fundamentals

THEN you really probably want to know some of these ones.

I'd require the current edition of "How Linux Works" as the bedrock understanding of anyone who wanted to be working SysAdmin or DevOps, anywhere, any time.

This entire bundle is the same price as "How Linux Works" alone is, in my local ebook platform.

Our ignorance costs us, right?

We can reduce the price it makes us, and our world, pay, through more competent knowing of our fundamentals:

don't allow mistakes, or faulty-process, or malicious-actors, any leverage, you know?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 45 points 5 months ago


Xaiomi is installing versions with Microsoft-style spyware/malware in 'em..

Same as ISP's altering the web-pages that people view, for their own commercial-reasons...

Molesting-the-user seems to be THE SurveillanceCapitalism paradigm, in the Enshittocene..

I'm not competent to do the decompilation/analysis required to discover if your new "helpful" versions are spyware/malware, but I'd bet they are not as clean as the original versions are.

Avast has been caught being treason-against-privacy, recently, too, with their "privacy" app that was actually a trojan to enable Avast to sell privacy-information for profit..

( last few weeks in the Tech news, here on Lemmy.world, iirc )

You might want to ask the MalwareBytes people to look into it?

[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 26 points 5 months ago

maybe somebody else pointed this out:

Light ALWAYS travels in its idea of a straight-line.


It doesn't matter whether it is bent by gravity or refraction, from its perspective, it kept going straight.

Only an "outside viewer" sees any non-straight-line-ness being done, but the outside-viewer isn't seeing the curved-space or the curved-refractive-index that the photon saw.

[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 52 points 6 months ago

Spray-paint tends to be solvent-based, and spraying it onto a helmet can fundamentally compromise its structure/strength.

Please don't ever use solvent-based stuff on multi-layer plastic helmets, for sake of your brain, who needs that helmet to work properly, when one gets slammed into the asphalt/concrete.


[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 24 points 7 months ago

I've used Linux since about 1996, when only Slackware worked for me ( Red Hat didn't work right, & I never tried Yggdrasil ).

Ian began his Debian distro sometime around then ( Deb was his partner, hence the distro's name )

About a year ago, I was using openSUSE, both Tumbeweed & their more-stable LEAP.

They removed the drivers for my wifi adapter, in an update.

They broke my desktop.


I've been told by Steam support ( in 2023, iirc ), directly through their system, that they ONLY support the Ubuntu family of Linuxen.

UbuntuStudio stuck with XFCE for YEARS, even though XFCE is rigged to prevent one from being able to grab the corner of a window, because almost-all of its different options ( themes? ) permit only a 1px thick window-grabber, and that isn't usable.


Try installing Haskell Stack on Void Linux for ARM.

You can't:

Haskell Stack requires GMP lib, for arbitrary precision arithmetic, and you can't get that to work on it.

They won't add it, to make Haskell Stack installable.

So, if the only machine you've got is ARM based, and you need to learn Haskell, go get a different distro.

( "Haskell Programming From First Principles" requires Stack )

I used Ubuntu Server on ARM, for awhile, and the Ruby it included was broken, with a hard-coded bit in one of its scripts that had the wrong-location for one of the basic things in Linux...

can't remember what it was, perhaps it was /usr/bin/mv instead of /bin/mv or something .. it was stupid, though, and it was in the Ubuntu version of Ruby, which was a deprecated version of Ruby .. so...

the upstream Ruby maintainers wouldn't fix it, because they only maintain the maintained versions of Ruby, AND...

Ubuntu wouldn't fix it, because they insisted it was upstream's problem, even-though they wouldn't include a maintained version of Ruby.

Fuck idiocy.

On & on & on.

Fix 1 thing, & break 3 more , seems to be the "religion" of the various Linuxen.

I'm old, & tired of being beaten-on by "friends" and "allies".

Abusers are abusers.

IF I ever succeed in fixing my health, breaking ( permanently ) my health-obstacles,

THEN I want to do a linux-distro that simply excludes all bullshit, & enforces correctness-of-function.

Funtoo seems to be part of The Right Answer ( it is the evolution of Gentoo ), in that people get the benefit of whatever hardware they've got, instead of a dumbed-down version which is more sluggish than need-be.

I'd want it to be based entirely on Haskell, & Julia, leaving-out pretty-much all other languages ( Haskell's correctness & Julia's ruthless-efficiency ).

Notice how there is a huge push to replace X.org with Wayland?

Wayland removes ability to run The Linux Terminal Server Project, so you can't have little arm-terminals stuck on the backs of displays, and 1 single real-computer in the back, with an ocean of RAM, for all the students to use for their real apps...

This "improvement" forces all to either have a powerful-enough desktop or .. not be allowed to run the modern distros/Linuxen at all.

War against inclusion of people in poorer places, where it is much more doable to afford a bunch of RasPi-terminals than it is to afford dozens & dozens of x86-64 machines, is warring for .. fashion & class-status??

The X Window System works. Through it, TLSP works.

It enables people to have their Blender-renderer machine in the other room, where its fans-noise isn't going to bother them.

Fashion-motivated or fad-motivated "strategy" consistently solves the wrong problem.

Same as breaking people's wifi solves the wrong problem.

WTF "loyalty" for a distro can ANYone have,

.. once one has been "punched-in-the-face" by them, enough times??

I've read OpenBSD's statement that "lack of a manpage IS A BUG".


They GET it.

There are development/programming methods that hold-to the same kind of properness:

Behaviour-Driven Design, e.g.


As somebody pointed-out, of all the "agile" methods, XP included engineering-processes, like test-1st whereas .. the rest, like Scrum, don't...

That difference-in-religion, XP's objectivity MATTERS.

Any "improvement" which breaks the functionality-tests or behaviour-tests, and you don't get the "improvement" in.

Nobody has the integrity to do that, at the distro-level?

I wouldn't permit any desktop-environment which is hard-coded to have 1px window-grabbers to be included in a distro, hence XFCE would have to get fixed, or it would be locked-out, explicitly for that usability-defect.

I wouldn't permit breaking of people's network-access to be an official update's component.


That needs to be SOME distro's spine, that is usable-by-most, and efficient, and including the capability that people actually need to get stuff done...

I want low-vision people being able to use it.

I want blind-readers working in it.

I want deaf people having full function through it.

I want quadraplegics being able to work through it.

I want TLSP working, so a single x86-64 machine, plus a batch of displays & RasPi's stuck on their backs, give a classroom the ability to teach calculus with Julia which is the proper way to be learning algebra or calculus ( seriously, try Julia: it's wonderful ).

Anyways, you're seeing a tiny sliver of the decades-of-abuse that operating-system makers have put in us, that is in me.

I won't willingly run any MS software ever again, due to their religion of molestation-of-priivacy & abuses ( I was one of the ones stung by their stolen from STAC disk-compression tech, in DOS 6.20, and their Vista era sending all searched-terms from the desktop to Microsoft violated privacy-law for both health-care sytems & for police systems, but .. they're "too big" to make accountable?? etc. )

But the Linux world seems to have one hell of a religious-problem against stable usability.

Distro-runners need to read a book by Al Ries: "The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding", and understand that that stability/identifiability is a REQUIREMENT for a userbase to be not-sabotaged by one's distro.

DON'T KEEP CHANGING THE WAY EVERYTHING WORKS, and expect your userbase to love you for it.

KDE 3.5 had much right-idea, but nowadays .. wtf??

Too complicated to be allowed to see where one is, within the menu-system??

That isn't a "feature", that is "fashionable" mental-illness.

And I despise the Apple-style contextless GNOME way.


just an opinion, of an old, useless bastard, who's tired of being obstructed/abused by distro-decisions.

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 27 points 7 months ago

Even looking only at the healthcare costs of the exhaust-induced unhealth, you see massive economic benefit.

It's the old star-topology vs decentralized-mesh-topology question...

It is much more efficient to have 1 giant windmill, rather-than a zillion little ones.

It is much more efficient to have electric-trams than the number of cars required to move the same number of people.

As for electric-cars vs internal-combustion-engine-cars, the relocation-of-cost from always buying gasoline, to just plugging-in at night, is something that many people have openly adored.

The Engineering Explained yt channel bluntly stated that if you're in the city, it's a no-brainer.

Rurally, or in the arctic, you can be screwed, however.

I've no idea what the equation is for how much exhaust per mile-driven is produced, between

  • star-topology fuel-burning electric-grid powered cars
  • mesh/distributed-topology of the same number of I.C.E. cars

but it wouldn't surprise me if it is significantly more efficient, just due to getting the maintenance up to industrial standards.

( sloppy maintenance costs, and some companies push sloppy maintenance, not changing oil frequently enough, e.g. in order to produce engine-wear, forcing required-replacement.

Some yt mechanics call-out this practice. )

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago

And ... why would any "journalist" put falsifying-quotes on the word identifying the assault in-question?

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 27 points 8 months ago

I wonder if enforcing the destruction of human-viable-planet could be considered either

  • Crime Against Humanity

or, an

  • Act of Terrorism

They escalate to kill more of the next-generation,

then ENFORCE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR ACTUAL CRIME, if integrity is still any part of the "law" that is held to "rule".

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 42 points 9 months ago

EXPECT legislative-shenanigans, people...

EITHER they'll extend copyright again,

XOR they'll just "conveniently" have copyright apply in court, even-though it doesn't apply on-paper.

Never believe a career-criminal, or Dark Triad entity, has changed, unless you see robust, consistent, years-long, actual, objective proof of that change having-happened.

Extraordinary-claims require extraordinary backing/evidence.

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[-] Paragone@lemmy.world 56 points 9 months ago

Illegal Anti-Competitive / Cartel behaviour, yes??

Apple, you are only exempt-from-law UNTIL the regulators decide to do their jobs honestly.

THEN, you're hosed.

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