"Mum" and "Mom", I think you are onto something.
C'mon Sony, do us a solid and just release it on PC already.
Over ~~5500~~ ~~6200~~ ~~6800~~ 8100 👀 signatures now, looking good 👍🏻
“Everything is affordable if we choose to care about it”.
That's a fantastic quote right there.
RIP Infinity, the only thing that made reddit tolerable on mobile.
Makes sense, if you live in an apartment, where do you charge your car?
School uniform for me back in the day was a white shirt, grey pants, and leather shoes. The only "school" part of the uniform was a tie and blazer with the school crest on it. And I even went through all of high school never purchasing said blazer.
This was in NZ nearly 15 years ago.
My point being, uniforms shouldn't be breaking the bank. If schools would simplify the uniform as to not be that unique to the school, they might be able to drive down cost as more readily available clothing could be used to make up the uniform.
I must have missed that class in school, but isn't the point of a private school is meant to be privately funded.
Oh makes sense, I went though public education so I probably wouldn't understand.
More ways to report for other states and territories: https://invasives.org.au/our-work/invasive-insects/ants/report-ants/
It's literally a day off work for me where I can sleep in, nothing more.
make more babies
How about, give us more money?
First website I go to before booting up a game: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com