how old was your cousin?
great idea, now i wanna hear
Never been vomiting drunk, got pretty close on my first time.
i don’t know any, thankfully 🙏
i, 14. dad would keep it in the fridge or counter so i drank it once on call with a friend and nearly vomited.
could she perhaps teach you?? burmese seems like a cool language
i hope that man went to jail, im sorry he didn’t accept your identity
who was he in relation to you? and i’m so proud you get to express yourself :) im poly, pan, and male for now but questioning transfem
i totally get it. this isn’t as bad as yours but my “friend” fucked up my mental state for a while, nothing was ever good enough for them, they treated me like an animal that they could control. they’re only nice when they need attention/validation, they would act like nothing happened and that everything was fine after calling me useless just before.
oohh, recuerdo eso