. However, I’m far from an expert,
Funny, because I'm a published author and expert on messaging systems... like Lemmy. Iv'e been building them since 1986 professionally.
There was a massive thread I posted dozens of comments on that came before today's pull request... I suggest you read that too.
Did you notice them even acknowledge server crashes are happening? Do you think developers ever suggest Memcache or Redis? Or discuss how Reddit solved their scaling in 2010 with PostgreSQL?
but perhaps they themselves felt attacked. I know that wasn’t your intention, but misunderstanding happen, especially over text.
I don't have any trouble understanding a bad SQL statement that has 14 JOINs and being told "JOIN is a distraction" after posting tons of examples.
Do we really need to spoon fed the stuff I did post?
Have you never seen social hazing in action? is it possible that I might be on to something going on psychologically besides my autism?
I can't believe anyone thinks a server should be crashing with 1 user on it.
several people have confirmed it... I haven't seen them explain how exactly, but they seem convinced it is causing crashes so they blocked it. Lemmy is practically in the realm of voodoo PostgreSQL at this point. Since April or May it's been scaling very poorly as data gets added.