You could kill almost anyone in NV as you cannot kill children in any game nor can you kill major quest givers.

Perhaps they have reasons to not want to encourage senseless violence to NPC’s at a time when a chunk of the population clearly views others as IRL NPC’s?

Im not sure what the goal was here. It seems the complaint is that you cannot shoot NPCs in non-combat situations. That while one game considers taking items to be stealing whereas the other does not which the content creator seems to miss.

Is this really about attention to detail or do they just prefer one game to the other due to directorial choices?

[-] 2 points 21 hours ago

Yes but “controlled/command/planned economy” refers to one where the state sets prices rather than letting market forces determine them. This is not possible to competently do right now with current technology.

[-] 5 points 22 hours ago

It’s sad that you have downvotes for this. It is a common practice in authoritarian states.

[-] 2 points 22 hours ago

That simply isn’t true. There are thousands of economists all around the world trying to fix these problems.

What you are talking about is grandstanding politicians in America which isnt reflective of all nations.

“Jesse Rothstein is an economist, and currently professor of public policy and economics at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2010, he was chief economist at the US Department of Labor. He is the founding director of the California Policy Lab, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and is a member of the editorial boards of Education Finance and Policy, The Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Review, and Industrial Relations.[1][2][3][4]”

For those that don’t know the guy he’s got a solid pedigree

[-] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Through his mother if I recall correctly

There are some people who can’t just smoke weed. They need highly complex concentrates that require specialized gear to vape/smoke this stuff that is vastly stronger than what most users would want.

In booze terms the comparison would be between the guy who is fine with a vodka on the rocks vs a guy who needs to create a still that releases the grain alcohol into an ice luge to make their drink which is 2x as strong as the first guy by volume.

OR they come from a culture that does arranged marriages and you are being anti-theist and unintentionally culturally insensitive.

You are aware that arranged marriage is a thing still, right?

Arranged marriages have better results than love based ones in many cultures. It turns out having all your family who have had kids and been married have a clearer understanding of the couples compatibility than those in love.

Love will make you overlook the thing that your auntie would zero in on as a long term problem.

No, you just have to be interesting to talk to, genial, and not look like complete shit.

Be affable

Be interesting

Be presentable

No one dreams about the guy they have to apologize for after you met them

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