Why not? A woman can't have a idiotic opinion? That's sexist!
The point that you are making is that you are a fascist little Untermensch.
You fucking dumb fuck
No they were not re-evaluated - a few years ago some trolls on the internet sarcastically praised them and then some daft idiots didn't get the joke and thought they were serious.
I think it's rad to kill thousands of people you cunt
Apple gets hate from everyone. Windows users, *nix users; doesn't matter. The only ones who don't hate apple are clowns. Are you a clown?
Raisins are dried wrinkley bugs no sane living being can tolerate.
At this point I just lost hope to make you understand. One last chance: Italian man wants to buy Skyrim in Hungary and he is told he can't. That, under EU law is not allowed. That is geoblocking. That is against free trade in the EU. This is exactly the same as if you would tell Californian man he can't buy Skyrim in Mississippi.
You don't want to understand, am I right? I don't get you.
No that's exactly the same thing. They can offer the game for a discounted price in some EU countries, nobody said they can't. What they don't can is tell other EU citizens that they are not able to buy the product in those EU countries. I don't know why you can't understand this simple fact.
Who fucked with your head?