[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 3 weeks ago

imho the chapter on "Tactics" in Alinski's Rules for Radicals provides a lot of ideas on how to avoid performative activism.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 1 month ago

But there are three figures at the bottom. The other two are Trekkies and Furries maybe?

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 1 month ago

They're filming a version in space, but in one day in space is like a dozen years on Earth so it won't be done until 2187.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 1 month ago

Wait, if Arthur wasn't some kind of Anglo-Saxon, what was he? Some kind of Celt? Pict? Cimerrian? Wikipedia just says "Post-Roman Briton" which I don't understand... Was his father really a centurion or something?

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 2 months ago

I don’t think Lee could be expected to come up with an answer

Great point -- it was a difficult problem. The Germans in WW1 came up with assault tactics that involved infiltration tactics, storm troopers, mission command, and artillery "creeping barrages", but they had a rich organizational structure developed over decades to allow such experimentation. The Confederate Army was basically created just as their war began.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 2 months ago

This. Write an email that says "Happy belated New Year..." and says you're looking for a job and what kind of job, and send it to everyone you know in your field.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 2 months ago

there’s an office in a building
and a person in a chair
and you paid for em both
though you may be unaware

you paid for the paper
you paid for the phone
you paid for everything they need
to deny u wut yer owed

there aint no u in united health
there aint no me in the company
there aint no us in the private trust
there’s hardly humans in humanity

no the procedure that yer needing
aint the cost effective route
and only two percent of people
end up winnin a dispute

so if u get sick
pray to god for help
cause yer doctor’s gotta pray thru
united health

waay back in 70 and 7
mr richard t burke
started buyin hmo’s
puttin federal grants to work

made 50 billion buckaroos
last yr
the warren buffet of health
the jeff bezos of fear

now ceo’s come and go
and one jus went
the ingredients ya got
bake the cake ya get

but if u get sick
cross yer fingers fer luck
cus ole richard t burke
aint givin a fuck

commoditized health
monopolized fraud
“here’s the doctors we own”
“here’s the research we bought”

they own the pharmacies
and alotta the meds
they should start buying graves
to sell us when we’re all dead

there aint no u in united health
there aint no me in the company
there aint no us in the private trust
there’s hardly humans in humanity
there’s hardly humans in humanity

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 9 points 3 months ago

More importantly, is it by R Crumb?

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 4 months ago

Hi, not comment-op, but... Here's one of the first set of exit polls to look over: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/exit-polls

Though it's a little too early for real analysis, since ballots are still being counted. Really the most interesting questions are things like: in tipping-point states (like PA, MI, WI, maybe GA or NC) how did the vote/turnout shift? That sort of analysis takes a bit longer, though, so we're stuck with clickbait articles like the one posted above.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 4 months ago

Remember those people who caught covid and were put on ventilators while denying that they had covid? When bad things happen to Trump supporters they'll just deny it or blame it on someone else.

[-] Sergio@slrpnk.net 8 points 4 months ago

Political scientists and historians will spend years analyzing the causes and significance of this election. My focus is more immediate. Although the data are imperfect and incomplete, I will offer preliminary answers...

To his credit, the writer explicitly warns us that this is a hot take and is almost certainly wrong.

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