... For which he should go to jail?
You know what a bad decision is? Yelling slurs and throwing hands when you know you arent in best health
... For which he should go to jail?
You know what a bad decision is? Yelling slurs and throwing hands when you know you arent in best health
To be fair, the answer to the question "when somebody kills a schoolbus of kids, who gets charged with a warcrime?" was always "nobody"
Lass mich raten: die sicherheitslücke war lange bekannt, wurde aber nicht kommuniziert, weil man die hoffnung hatte, selbst noch was damit anfangen zu können?
The point isnt human vs dog, its direct vs indirect action. People are a lot more disgusted by murderers than the person that put out the hit.
I know he got called out for his waymo video by another youtuber, Tom Nichols. Dont know if thats what themusicman is referencing
Dmc 3 being delisted isnt an issue, that buggy mess of a port should have never been sold for money in the first place.
And the worshippers of the flying noodlemonster believe in the noodlemonster too? No of course not. These are political groups that exists to point out the hipocrisy in the understanding and application of the first amendment or similar laws in other countries (mostly favorably to christianity, disfavorably to other religions).
Who gives a shit? This has been going on since the very first prison was built. But now that it happens to a chwhite murderer cop, we are supposed to care?
Camera, motorcycle, ak-47, radio
I call this loadout "twitch streamer of the apocalypse"
I telefrag the guy sitting next to me on the train
Huh? This isnt about wholefoods not wanting to force their workers to wear blm masks, this is about wholefoods wanting to forbid their workers from wearing them
Gott sei dank wird jetzt doch gegen diese Umfragenmanipulierer vorgegangen. Unbeschreibliche kriminelle energien sind am werk