Idk, I must have been committing the sin of at the time
the real MLK?
Marxism Leninism Kamalism thought
Vote Green? Vote for Trump.
Vote PSL? Vote for Trump.
Vote for Stalin? Vote for Trump?
Vote for Kamala? That's right, vote for Trump
She's more interested in da Nile
Swift debated Trump??
This is a joke
Oh, yeah, me too. Carl Stalin wrote that, right?
Def a lost lib
But I've been told by chud family that the suburbs have been turned into lawless wastelands because the police got defunded
I find liberals generally chalk up conservatism to ignorance. Liberals assume that conservatives are liberals in waiting who just need to be educated and given the right information.
In metal gear solid, smoking depletes your health.
In mgs4, loading screens tell you not to smoke.
Sorry, but I'm with Snake on this one