Damn. Now the Cleric and Bard have to break him out of prison. Again
Ne Brudi... 9Gag ist wie rechte Chatgruppen. Glaub mir. Deutlich schlimmer als der Durchschnitt.
As with speed, as with smooth driving: start with the suspension.
Honestly? That does sound impressive. Imagine a killer being caled el pendejo for the way he kills. Wouldnt wanna meet that guy
Sorry... muss dir leider widersprechen. Der Beweis sitzt leider in meinem Freundeskreis und hält sich für politisch sehr gebildet.
Exactly my thoughts!! Every time I deny them that right. Just out of pure spite.
It will heal in death. Our deaths. And then no one will be traumatised ever again! Because no more humans exist! The system is perfect!
Edit: I seem to have had a stroke: If we do not have children, only THEN will no one be traumatised again. Please excuse my sieve of a brain.
Shit sells best in November. The earlier they sell it, the more money they may make.
Fear of the dark. Fear of the dark. I fear that somethings always there.
Fear of the dak. Fear of the DUCK.
Corporate said No.
In Germany: Sticking oneself to the road with insta-glue -> People call you a climate-terrorist Almost makes you wish for REAL Eco-Terror, so people can differentiate what public disobedience is and what terrorism is.
Gotta catch them fans young. Scar them and make them love you