Ich helfe dir. Ich habe sogar einen Wikipediaeintrag.
Higher effectivity I agree. Though none of them has a license. That should make up for equal chances.
This looks and feels so British I can't even.
That should be the gay dude. Now don't ask me who the guy on top is. I cannot fathom wether he is gay or not. After all it isn't gay to go to town on the Bussy.
Yes Richard I do enjoy violence. Which is why I will get into Peters car now and we will take some calls. This has to be my day!
But I'm not D: (Nah, its great that he is. But without any deeper knowledge about his illness, to potentially have it in the future for example, is simply put terrifying to me)
But what is life without heartbreak and pain? What is health without sickness. What is a task without challenge? Boring.
I couldn't take your advice. Sadly for my hour-counter on CP XD
Schwierig. Dann müsste ich ja Weibchen umwerben... außerdem bin ich viel zu sehr mit meiner Arbeit beschäftigt. Ein Aal zu sein ist nicht leicht.