Yeah ! But will it be good for those that push is campaign ?

Tap for spoilerI think not

[-] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Right now my tinnitus is killing me soooo CyberEars … but if they comes with a subscriptions I’ll support my old one

Iwàju, Disney African Kid Show. Pretty interesting Pantheon Mrs. Davis

Je voulais surtout l’avis du ROC. Je présume que lemmy/Québec l’avais déjà lu


For those of you that read French

At that point China, Russia and America will be at their 6th

BTDigg (

Does BTDigg is down ? I was searching something today and BTDigg was inaccessible.

There’s a button : not now

This should be higher. That was a conservative pet project, they suggest the names which give to things to think about 1- they’re fucking idiots that don’t know how to make research and thus shouldn’t be leading anything 2- they’re fine glorifying Nazi

Great Idea. I’ll put it into my notes.

Thanks for the help !

I was thinking the miracle drug, not necessarily the heal all power.

The exurgent virus was made by evil omnipotent-ish AI. I was thinking that the shroom rewired it in some way. Or since in it’s less evil form it gives some powers (but a second personality that try to control you) this new strand could be a new variant of this

What evil mushrooms would do in Call of Chtuluth ?

Commons Side Effexts (

I’m watching Common Side Effects, personally I don’t find that good but anyway it makes me think

I’m in Eclipse Phase phase and I was wondering how I could use the premise of the show into the setting of EP

For those that don’t know EP is a d100 roll under, hard sci-fi techno horror rpg. There’s a intelligent nano-virus (exurgent virus) that create psycher like character in one of it’s less malignant form.

I was thinking that a scum (communal partying drug loving faction, live life at her fullest, living in cycler spaceship) DrugDJ found old strain of magic mushroom and try to grow it like a pet project. Ultimately the shroom got infected with a brand of the exurgent nanoviri, maybe the DrugDj got infected and choose to use the mushroom to infect other and it’s back fire.

After that the blank page appears and it’s here that I ask for your help

Startpage or DuckDuckGo (

So. I’ve been using startpage for a while and was wondering if it were better over DuckDuckGo ?


Lay out what happen before end. Personally I start from the murder and go back to find the why.

After use The three clues rule

Podcast recommendations (

So I’m starting the second campaign for Eclipse Phase 2nd ed. (The Eight Sea) from RPPR. I’ve already listen to the first (know evil) which was great and scratch many hitch, hoping the second will good too.

I was wondering if you know of other podcast/actual play for Shadowrun or other that you find fun.


Those this mean that they are accessible by activityPub ?

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