everything everyone else has said is correct about cost saving, but also sometimes they do sell things at a loss. If product needs to move or it will be thrown out to make room for new things theyll put it on sale at a loss so that they can atleast get something back for it. Its better than taking a complete loss when they have to throw it away, and it can act as a loss leader when you buy other things while there that arent as cheap. Loss leaders are also a way they take a loss on items. For example a grocery store may say milk for 25 cents for a week so people come to buy it and while they are there they get all their other groceries at a normal price which evens out the losses taken on the milk.
If you cant find anything i would like to point out that to contribute doesnt have to be an all or nothing affair. It's basically impossible to exist in the imperial cores economy without your money going to something horrific. What you can do though is reduce your impact. Buy things when theyre on sale only, and try not to use them as often for example. In general just reducing the amount of money you spend reduces how much you contribute to bad things. Reduce consumption overall. Learn to make things yourself, grow a garden, herbs, etc. Repair old clothes instead of replacing them. There are hand sewing tutorials on youtube, and i find it relaxing personally.
When you do shop maybe try going to local places, if theres a farmers market near you check them out this spring, and avoid big name stores. Its not just the products that support bad things, but the stores too. I don't drink soft drinks so i can't tell you an alternative tho. But don't want you to fail to find one, and just give up on the idea. Even reducing helps.
I personally have a grandmother i got setup using Mint Cinnamon and she hasnt had a single issue in months. So id go Mint.
I played Elite Dangerous a lot. Its tough to get into but i feel like the economy is much better now. Like when i first started making money was a pain but now they've added a few new ways to do it that arent as grindy. I do exploration mostly so its a space flight simulator where i just go land on random planeta and moons and visit pretty places to see the views. Never done combat much so i cant comment on it but it does exist and has a big following.
While it is probably just that they werent counted yet can we atleast entertain the funniest outcome which is that after 4 years of yelling about how the election was stolen from him Trump actually stole the election, and hacked the voting machines or something? And a lot of the missing votes were fake? I just think it would be so funny I'd love to see how liberals reacted to that once its revealed. Like theyd probably just go "well shucks guess next time we wont let that happen".
Guess thats why the lockdown didnt have any effect on me im too poor to afford anything but basic survival anyway.
Thats not a person. I am 100% convinced that an Alien saw like 3 people, created a body with features from each randomly chosen, and then went to the pool, and not understanding the concept of bathing suits and just not wanting to get their clothes wet started to get naked. Then were baffled when everyone freaked out and they got arrested. After being released they said im never coming back to this planet.
its possible but would require funding and lots of it to maintain.
Hi i am a different person and just read thru your convo there. I wanna chime in and ask you a genuine question that hopefully you will think over.
If right now as we speak Israel is being given unlimited material support for their genocide and actively killing as many Palestinians as they materially can (They only have so much bomb dropping capacity) No matter what Trump might say in what way do you think he would make it worse? Like what actual material steps would he take to kill more Palestinians? Because short of just nuking the Gaza strip over and over again(They wont do this since they want to take the land and Israel is too close anyway would be radiation issues) i struggle to see how he could. Especially considering the articles coming out recently about how the US is running out of surplus equipment to send Ukraine and Israel.
I would steal a single nuclear icbm and take it to a pizza hut and just leave it there. Just seems like it would cause some interesting conversations.
general rule for translation programs is talk without contractions or slang.
"You're going to the store today?"
"Are you going to go to the store today?" <--- translate this one