Kein Scherz, ich les auf z.b. Instagram immer mehr Trolle die die Meinung breit treten, dass die Ampel das Wetter kontrolliert, um uns von der Klimakrise zu überzeugen. Denn dass das Wetter immer extremer wird merken wohl immer mehr, aber das MUSS an was anderem liegen. Bin schon auf den Zeitpunkt gespannt, an dem die Trolltheorie für die ersten zur echten Überzeugung wird.
That looks like what they really would like to be true.
Just to explain it maybe a little: the German far right party has a rethorical mixture of 3. Reich speeches (damn autocorrect) and modern US republicans. And the people supporting them have the same mindset and fact denial maga fans have.
Weil das Teil des Witzes ist. Englische Begriffe und irgendwo mittendrin das Wort "Bowl" = gesund und hipp.
Even if it's not the 70s or 80s, I still grew up with lots of second hand smoke in the 90s. Once a year my village had a little comedy thing (german carnival) for one evening in the local gym. You couldn't see the stage after the first hour if you were like 10m away from the stage. It didn't matter, smoking, drinking and just a little music and everybody was happy. And it was the same in every restaurant or subway station. It just felt normal, it smelled the same no matter where you went and everybody smelled like cold smoke. After it got shut down in quiet a rush, the new normal came so quickly, that even today nobody can believe how it was just 20-25 years ago.
Yeah and these reinsurances are also insurance companies, so the statement "insurances could lose up to 3bn" is still right.
Even further: most losses are booked by reinsurance companies, cause prior insurances mostly don't cover big sums on there own. It's like "10 million for me and the rest for you."
Cause they look cool, bands sell the rights to big clothing companies so it's available, labeled as fashion and often cheap. If you walk into a Walmart and see a cool looking Metallica shirt for 10 bucks, why do you have to know the band or songs of it?
I myself also only buy band merch from bands I really like. But I buy it on festivals, concerts or on the internet after I looked for a specific shirt. So my ways of buying this stuff is completely different from fashion oriented people.
Ich weiß nicht, Amthor hat da auch gute Lobbyargumente.
Nope. I don't know exactly why but it seems that e.g. a trans man is more likely to die in a stupid accident like driving a motorcycle without a helmet at 200km/h and vice versa. It isn't much of a medicine aspect and more of a lifestyle one.
Interesting, cause I stopped giving things away for free or at least I don't write it into the offer, cause in Germany it happend quite a lot that people didn't show up, when I wanted to just give it away. I don't know why, maybe if it's free it's not that important I guess? So I started to offer things for a few bucks but still I want some money (at least I write that I want money). When someone arrives and wants to pick something up I just tell them to just take it. That way I get rid of so much more stuff and the people collecting stuff are always so happy as well.
I know you're absolutely right but holding a grudge helped me with my depression and anxiety, cause then I didn't feel the need to be the best around a person and that everything could be my mistake. No, there is a stupid person that I dislike and most likely it's their fault!