Yeah that makes more sense and how I've understood it to work. Guaranteed retirement =/= retired.
What makes you say that? He is clearly promising a lot of things to happen, and he's confirmed he would be a dictator "the first day".
I know politicians bullshit a lot, but I am not so sure he doesn't intend to follow through on at least some of the very outlandish shit he's promised so far.
I'm looking forward to this. Lego games always seem to deliver on capturing the spirit of the original work while adding some (often much needed) levity and charm. Having played HZD and having struggled to get through Forbiden West, I am looking forward to their take on the franchise.
Fair. It's my main reason for not owning an Oculus headset. Sadly Microsoft decided to turn my WMR headset into e-waste later this year, so I will need to find a replacement in due time.
That's a pretty hot take, seeing as it's the most successful single off the album in terms of sales and airplay.
I think what is considered acceptable strongly depends on where you live to be honest. Driving while druk (a felony offense in most places) is extremely frowned upon by the general public. At least, it is where I live.
Although I do get where you are coming from in terms of other behaviors, there's a reason traffic violations are the most ticketed offenses in just about any country.
What about Video 2000? The audio quality was so much better that when we finally switched to a VHS player I thought there was something wrong with the cable connecting it to the TV.
Agreed, that is pretty ridiculous in its own right. It does show how the police aren't there to "serve and protect" though, which really makes you wonder what their purpose is in modern society.
Agreed. I want someone to step up and build a photography-centric phone like the Nokia Lumia 1020 again. I know lots of flagships can take good pictures nowadays, but that's something different from building an actual camera first phone.
Alternative title: Unity about to get sued into settlement or bankruptcy due to legal fees by Nintendo, Sony, and a bunch of others over unilaterally announced installation fee.
Yes, but at the time Excel didn't support concurrency either ;-)
Anyway, you are correct about the issue with concurrent writes, but that's only because Access was intended as a single user DB. If you wanted a multi-user DB you should be getting MS SQL server.
Not saying this product strategy worked (it clearly didn't, otherwise people would not be using Excel), but that's how they envisioned it to work.
"Big surprise" said everyone with half a brain.
Seriously though, this is working exactly as intended by the UCP - they want to have Alberta's faith pinned to the petro dollar to stay in power. Hard times, global downturn? Blame everyone for ruining Alberta's precious oil industry -> vote UCP to stick it to the federal government. Good times, oil boom? The UCP freed us from the green yoke the federal government is trying to force on us -> vote UCP to keep your heard-earned success.