GTA grade name.
(There's already a company in GTA called ProLaps, which is sports equipment)
GTA grade name.
(There's already a company in GTA called ProLaps, which is sports equipment)
The last point should say "... and stop halfway, because I don't feel like it anymore".
Or "... but get stuck halfway because I found something interesting in one of the drawers."
Is this really satire if it's indistinguishable from regular news?
"E Ink" is a company, producing displays with a very specific proprietary technology. I think you mean to say more "e-paper", which is a generic term for "paper-like" displays. And unfortunately, right now the only real competition is RLCD (reflective LCD), which is arguably not paper-like enough to qualify. Yes, it's reflective, but other than that, it's just a higher density Game Boy screen. Which is great and all, but it can't compete with E Ink in a lot of aspects. It doesn't have retention, you gotta power the screen, so no signage and stuff. It has LCD-grade bad viewing angles.
RLCDs are cool for certain uses though. For example, I sometimes choose to play on my AGS-001 over my Analogue Pocket if I'm outside in bright daylight.
It's sort of how if you hold a slinky on one end hanging down, then drop the slinky, bottom will not start falling until the top reaches it. In a sense, bottom will be hanging onto nothing. But of course that nothing is tension from the top of the slinky.
No occupation, just visiting.
What is this about even? What kind of install requires calls?
Talking to women is no longer considered a best practice.
Recommend upgrading to listening to women.
He's not illiterate, he's just too cool to care about that nerd stuff.
I wanted to say "seed facial", but if you think about it, all facials are seed facials.
There is no spoon.