They’re both cruel to anyone “below” them (this is a simplistic argument.) They’re easy to cry wolf about in order to draw people over to your side, people who vote and act emotionally
This one is a deep cut, must have been one of the earliest models?
maybe you’re not bad at either of them?
Upvote for the perscurptivist spelling, lawl
Wtf is BREAD doing there?! You don’t have VEGETABLES at BREAKFAST this is AMERICA
Oh. You’re … not from the USA are you? Just a guess
Oops, not a gas giant. Ice giants, ice giants, baby
Yeah. WAY up in there 🤪
I like Gas GIANTS and i cannot lie
My dildo and some expensive lube
Yesssss, let me TELL a social network so it can be used against me later 😜🤪
joined 2 years ago
Maybe “no one” can read it because “everyone “ posts YouTube links with some SEO bullshit shouting at me like a fucking tabloid, instead of a link to the readme of the video (transcript)? I know I’m old man shouts at void here but STFFFFFFFFU. Tldw.