God gave human adult males flexible ****ncters the approximate circumference of my **** so there’s proof of what men are for 😘
They’re both cruel to anyone “below” them (this is a simplistic argument.) They’re easy to cry wolf about in order to draw people over to your side, people who vote and act emotionally
Absolute upvote for “buzzillions”
That was my favourite character in the Iliad!
Oh! Thanks , I knew someone had the time to read it; with a headline like that I wasn’t’nna be arsed
This one is a deep cut, must have been one of the earliest models?
maybe you’re not bad at either of them?
This is like a plot line from “If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler “
Sounds like a 1970s sci fi movie title. “The Kemet Orthodoxy”
If cancer cells had guns, and extreme insecurity they took out on women
it’s the only one not named after anyone because it wasn’t just ONE person or duo who came up with it.
IT’S THE ONLY ONE SUPPORTED BY >100 INDEPENDENT STUDIES. All caps here bc it’s kinda important that these things be more than just one researcher reinventing astrology*
*COUGH meyers briggs pile of bullshit COUGH