Grandpa called it a “drill motor”

Just today I got 4 brand new SLA batteries from the trash-treasure pile behind the recycling dumpster

You mean to say millions of years. The tech needed to accelerate enough to make the trip in hundreds of years is also far outside the realm of physics as we know it

This assumes that faster than light travel is possible. Without it humans will not be escaping the sun.

Pretty much anything muzzle loaded. Even a single shot muzzle loaded rifle is “not a firearm”

IIRC the trick is to get your forgiveness after the last dick move, but before you die. If you mess up the timing, eternal damnation so it’s safer to be good.

Ya don’t, and when its a housing shortage, you can’t even do better by moving.

All of the peppa pig videos on YouTube are this strange remix of multiple episodes that pisses me off

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