That looks delicious! This is such a weird photo though lol. Do you normally eat with gloves above a trashcan?
That's only for minorities and poor people.
Arizona, Groceries aren't taxed here.
Because it's expensive and sucks if you live in a city. Also, most can't afford a house out in the suburbs anyways.
This is such a great photo. I love all the colors and flowing lines/curves. The over saturation really helps with the surreal vibes.
At first I was like WTF but actually it makes sense. A screen showing an error code is much better than a hard reset, blinking cursor, kernel panic, or just black screen you usually get when something bad happens on linux.
The app is ios only and you need to buy hepa bags every week for it. Those kind of kill it for me.
Cooking helps you save money, eat better, and can be entertaining. I've started to really get into recently.
As a person who enjoys clean air I approve of this.
I wonder if part of the reason is that apple deprecated opengl on mac os and replaced it with their property graphics api Metal. I image it would be a lot of work to port the source the engine to Metal just for a small amount of users.
Can we add spoilers too?
I feel like linux users benefit the most from arm since we can build our software natively for arm with access to the source code.