There shtick is privacy. They are selling privacy oriented machines which is a value add for people who need device privacy but don't have the bandwidth to to setup and audit everything themselves. The service they are selling is more privacy then value budget hardware.
That look really good!
That's an interesting design. I'm not convinced it would be good off road but for bad pavement that looks sick.
Based on my experience with eating cow tongue tacos that sounds really delicious.
I read "Graphene-powered 18650" and thought this is never happening but I looked up the voltex site and you can pre-order them if you're a business. So maybe they are actually coming to market. I've never heard of these cells before so I really want to see a data sheet. There site:
Yeah, I should be more clear. I'm talking about laptops that the manufacture openly supports or ships a linux distro with it. I just assume OP already knows he can do a bit of research and get a decent $300 laptop from like lenovo/acer/hp/dell/etc.. and install linux on it.
Nah, usually some of the lights are out and there is mushy spots on the ceiling.
I like this
Neat! I think the big advantage to the battery being removable is that you can take them inside to charge. Which is nice if you live in an apartment or something.
Looks cute! I wonder how good the typing is on it.
The Netherlands maybe? They already got the bicycle thing.
I wish encased chains were more of a thing outside of the netherlands. I would take an encased chain over a belt drive.