One in three is not one-in-ten one might expect. And it's not hundreds it's thousands of women making false claims for money against male victims.
We don't have population (in the statistical sense) data to know for sure. Maybe the passport biometric data will eventually let us know for sure.
However, there are other individuals involved, usually in the act of conception, not just women.
"I'm on the pill/implant/coil .. you don't have to wear a condom. Take the condom off.". A female paedophile teacher has just been jailed here because the baby made it kind-of obvious she was lying. Apparently she got pregnant whilst she was on bail with the same child.
That's an amazing set of references to throw my way. Thank-you. I'll read through them in a while. My assertion was based on talking to real people: I'm only just not-Russian myself.
I don't really think you've captured communism: Cuba isn't. China has been moving away from communism for decades. Russia rejected the Communists for the Bolsheviks shortly after the revolution. There's a huge difference between socialism and communism.
The West is in somewhat of a hard time. There's a left shift going on since my golden days (as Gen X). Young people (Gen Z) rightly feel hard done by and the social mobility seems to have been damaged. It feels like the sodding seventies again here in Blighty ( I hadn't even become a teenager when they ended but remember the mood and despair. Candles lighting the supermarket visits. Dead bodies of the unburied and the rats).
If you've never lived in a communist state you're much more likely to favour communism. People who have (lived in communism) don't.
'Mercans believe that social healthcare is communism - until they get seriously ill whereupon they opt for moving to a 'communist' country: UK or Canada or go for the US healthcare provider called gofundme.
By asking the question, you've already decided.
They don't have clocks in casinos either so you don't notice the time.
As if shopping with your wife wasn't fun enough. "Yes dear, you look fantastic in that. No, we don't need to go to try the first one on again."
I don't think you really understand how monarchies work.
FYI Charles I was voted out to all intents and purposes.
The moment I think about - UK - say, president Blair, Johnson or Sunak, I change my mind.
He's bound to read it here. What better place to write it.
I voted leave because the EU hasn't passed an audit for about 25 - 30 years, fraud being regularly cited. Our local politicians of all persuasions are bent enough, why add more?
On a basic matter we were desperate to join the EU in the seventies because the UK was bankrupt. We ended up being the second highest contributor after Germany with loads of net takers and many applying to join.
Much cheaper, given the fraud, to just give money directly to the East European states (and of course Greece.).
Console ArchLinux every time. Create a USB instance and then load up what you need.
You don't need a GUI.
Finally moving towards parity with the number of refuges for blokes and their kids.
Will they be installing half height counters to cope with the inability get up from kneeling or bending to hand food and drink items to the JSO mob lying in the roads?