I've tried the other way already. Not so good.
I've tried the other way already. Not so good.
I have used GNUCash for maybe a decade (sounds impossible to me) but it's actually difficult to get much out of it for all the data one puts in. I'm in the XML data store I think, so maybe the SQL data implementation is better.
The graphs are ok and correctly setting up sub accounts as virtual envelopes within your normal account for your current account allows you to replicate the buckets/envelopes/spaces in, say, Starling bank (UK bank which sells its software to other banks as hussle).
I'm looking to set up something like Actual Budget (server) going forward.
This is the correct answer, with a 'but'. Eventually you will try Obsidian, which is closed source (add-ons are open), and find it compelling.
People still use Cron?
Use systemd timers which are very easy to configure.
There's a sweet monologue by George Carlin about the ten commandments.
I can't find it quickly right now but he reduces them to three.
No, Carlin wasn't religious but I love that monologue and it fits right in here.
Been using Zoho with multiple domains for many years. I have a business account and a personal account (and an admin account) in Zoho fed from maybe ten domains. DNS on Google cloud.
Zoho is almost never down - can't remember the last time - but they do tend to tinker stupidly occasionally. Logging in to the web is page after page of stupid questions - ok it's three but they're pushing their authentication app I don't ever want. There's PassKey but it doesn't understand Linux/Bitwarden AFAICT. I use 2fa with Bitwarden. Documentation is good but there can be multiple pages on the same subject sometimes.
Client mobile app is great. Admin mobile app is crap. Costs c. £60 a year which I think is good value given the ability to white page, (excessive) filters and automation*, mailing lists etc. Finding where you set an email address up is a bastard so take notes but they are eager to help if you can't find it.
I usually get pissed off with suppliers after a couple years of being jerked around. I've been with Zoho email for an easy decade maybe one and a half. It was definitely this century .. but .. !
I'm very privacy minded, at least one of the domains is a proxy, but never seen any indication that my/client data is being sold. Spam malware is very tight and you can admin that to within an inch of its life in miriad of ways.
Comes with all the bells and whistles you'd expect on the client end and on the server end. IMAP POP3 sure but I use the Zoho mobile client and web for all the features (tagging, priority etc) that Thunderbird won't grok.
Zoho had a deserved poor rep many years ago for going up and down like a tart's drawers but it's been nothing but up that I've noticed in the last 5 years.
I have no affiliation with any company mentioned.
I hosted my first email server in c.1996 on 14kbps before email admin became a full time job. I feel your pain.
[UK] I carry phone and keys. I pay for everything with my phone. Twerking on street corners as a Gen X for cash isn't profitable anymore.
If I know I need ID, eg. Costco, I have my old fashioned wallet in my jacket pocket. I keep meaning to set up the Costco ID on my phone. Doesn't happen.
The number of times I open or reach for my wallet is maybe twice a month. Frigging barber still wants to be paid in cash, and all the 20th century banks and their ATMs are closing .. [so now they have 20th century tech and no way to interact efficiently with the public. Haha!].
I'm very increasingly anarchist as I get into my sixth decade - UK 2020s feels like 1970s again so screw the useless thieving politicians - so I should be actively pro-cash but I'm actually more pro-crypto pro-barter (especially pro barter) in the real world. Long ago l learned that if I have physical cash, I piss it up the wall, but I'm careful with credit card cash. No idea why. I never have more than £30 in notes on me; that's enough money to buy a Costa coffee for you yanks.
Sadly, that means I can't give cash to the odd homeless. Not too many homeless with contactless readers. Maybe that'll be rabbit-in-headlights Kier's big thing: contactless readers for the destitute veterans that the armed services and government abandoned (I came of age around Falkland conflict).
Well they've proved themselves more interested in low hanging fruit, rather than criminality.
.. And that's why average men and women got the vote in (UK) Representation of People Act 1918.
I think it was ITV. (UK)
You'll find it much easier to bathe in water. Bathing cats in fleas is counterproductive.
Fuck. They told me that they were storing my backups.