[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 4 months ago

It should be enough to convert every third golf course to a solar plant.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 6 months ago

He said he took pictures of old xp keys in second hand shops and upgraded them.

I've also never bought a windows license, i still use my education licenses after university a decade ago. I have not heard of pc parts with an OEM license attached, thats why I believe you can have used windows all your life without ever paying something to microsoft.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Ich verstehe deine Argumente schon und weiß auch worauf du hinauswillst. Ich finde aber deine Folgerung von a) Russland hat Atomwaffen und möchte nicht dass wir Taurus liefern zu b) wir sollten keine Taurus liefern nicht zwingend.

Ich bin der Meinung, es ist in unserem Interesse (sicherheitspolitisch, aber auch moralisch) dass die Ukraine sich verteidigen kann.

Die Ukraine benötigt massive Hilfe sich zu verteidigen und dazu reichen nur Schusswaffen und Munition nicht aus, sondern es braucht moderne Waffensysteme. APCs, Luftabwehr, Flugzeuge, Raketen.

Putin sollte so schnell wie möglich einsehen müssen das er keine Aussicht auf einen Sieg hat, nur dann ist er verhandlungsbereit. Damit erreicht man ein schnelles Kriegsende welches auf beiden Seiten Leben von Soldaten und Zivilbevölkerung rettet.

Daraus folgt dass wir diese Systeme schnellstmöglich liefern sollten.

Nur weil die Ukraine Systeme hat die in der Lage sind Moskau zu erreichen heißt das ja nicht das sie diese auch entsprechend einsetzen. Was auch strategisch unklug ist, da es wichtiger wäre die Logistik der Russen damit anzugreifen. Und das sieht man ja auch daran dass sie von Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA Marschflugkörper mit vergleichbaren Reichweiten bekommen haben und sie nicht gegen moskau eingesetzt haben.

Es sei außerdem noch gesagt das du die kernschmelzen in Kernkraftwerken nicht mit Nuklerarexplosionen gleichsetzten kannst. Das sind komplett unterschiedliche Vorgänge und Auswirkungen was kurzfristige Schäden und langfristige Verstrahlung angeht. Deswegen solltest du statt an Tschernobyl und Fukushima lieber auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki verweisem.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 6 months ago

All around there is a 100m spell. In cities that's like everywhere .

Its out of sight, but at most 100m. So if you're not visible where you smoke you're fine.

you can't have legal weed yet.

Online apothecary is a way but also growing before April has been retroactively legalized. So as long as the police can't proof you imported it illegally it's also fine.

The law is not perfect, but its the best possible outcome given the political realities and i think of it as dooropening with further reforms still coming.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 1 points 7 months ago

Its a wrong analogy. We have limited resources and investment in renewables are faster and more efficient. Every dollar spent on nuclear doesn't go in renewables, so its better to focus the effort.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 8 months ago

Yes, but the first comment asked why games are so huge o the harddrive.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Wind kills 0.04 per TWH, nuclear 0.03 and solar 0.02. Why is nuclear acceptable for you and wind not?

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 8 months ago

Kann man nur hoffen, dass davon auch irgendwann was bei den Arbeitnehmern ankommt.

Der Wohlstand fängt bestimmt an bald herunterzutröpfeln

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 2 points 9 months ago

Nope because everyone seems to want to ban the scary black rifle first. It's why AWBs are constantly brought up.

The discussion was clearly about firearms.

Congrats for providing the info..I don't know what you are getting at with this. It's literally what I said it was.

I added some context, mainly the fucking insane amount of handgun deaths. Btw, how many rifles do you think are in the unspecified Firearms category?

No shit? Really? It's like we have an issue with suicide and not guns

You have ton of problema and they are compounding. Easy access to guns leads to many impulsive suicides. Usa has a mental health AND an gun problem.

And you are deep in denial.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

Thats very aptly put. I would also like to not only work the supply side and make demand more flexible to better work with renewables. And maybe get rid of personal cars and get people to ride more bikes and so on... And if we manage to stall/reverse global warming in the next 20 years we hopefully have fusion for all of the really big energy needs.

But most importantly, we need to do everything to get rid of fossil fuels as fast as possible. And that's where I think we agree completely.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

once you have reactor designs up and running, building a lot of capacity both cheaper and quicker.

But its the same with renewables and storage, they will improve as well and most likely keep their cost advantage.

And you seem to ignore Opportunity costs again. If we build to much nuclear plants and don't need the energy later we could have invested the money better in other areas, like education. Again, money is a finite resource.

And another reason why I prefer renewables to nuclear is decentralisation. With renewables everyone can partake in energy generation, while nuclear is only for big corporations or governments. I'd rather have a robust decentralised grid where almost everyone is consuming and producing local most of the time than a grid relying on a few huge producers, which are a huge target for sabotage or vulnerable to natural catastrophes.

[-] derGottesknecht@feddit.de 1 points 1 year ago

Just getting shit done

Ah damn, so easy, why didn't I think of that.

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