Yes, I work in supply chain. Being a dock worker is a tough grueling job, wouldn't we want to automate that as much as possible? Besides cost, automated ports are both safer and more efficient. I think the ideal scenario would be to grant some sort of retraining.
I'm not sure how I feel about the no automation clause.
Ignorance is bliss
Bogleheads, and the bogleheads guide to investing
I'm very glad that someone recommended me bogleheads, after reading, I was able to open up a roth and contribute yearly which may be one of the best personal finance decisions I've made.
The user with an AI copyright notice on every one of their posts is one of my favorite "gimmicks".
Reddit search has always been quite poor, at least for me. Not sure how AI is going to improve that haha
Yes, and I usually click out of curiosity further reinforcing the algorithm.
A few people have had similar thoughts and deeper conversations including a few comments from their CTO can be found over on hackernews.
I found out what generally makes me feel good day to day, then I decided to pretty much eat those same foods everyday. Downside is that it's probably not as varied as the ideal diet, upside is that it's standardized which makes planning what you're going to eat easy. I've also found that I'm able to make more progress in the gym from a standardized diet.
I feel like back in March 2022 Epic did not really anticipate market conditions to continue to worsen. Big miscalculation on their part.
v23.07.08-00.34 already? This dev really gets to business.
Automated ports do not work that way, where employees interact directly with a robot. Instead employees stay at a desk and minimal employees are on the ground. Like I had mentioned, automated ports are safer.