Oh no. Another thing to learn.
I read that and the tipping point, I can confirm you can be rich by writing a book on how to get rich.
He probably didn't want to get crucified for encouraging tax evasion.
Theocrats should be kept out of government. Muslims can be as secular as anyone. Ibn Rushd / Averroes was Muslim and is called father of secularism in western Europe.
Dude named himself after an OS and then misspelled it.
We may share your poop with third party to improve user experience.
They removed god and placed Trump. Are evangelicals fine with that?
That's very annoying sign. Why it has to pulsate? That company should be fined.
My favorite non sense is with Reddit, if I browse an NSFW page in incognito on mobile, a popup appears : browse anonymously download the app. Right
The author calls it JIF. He intended it as Jif because he has butter fingers and like butter brand JIF.
I'm used to hard G though.
I opened Twitter page and it shows login page with small x on left and big x in the middle. But only one closes the popup.
Couldn't they hire from watchpeopledie or nothingtoxic or ebaum. Those users probably would do overtime for free.