[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Ok, I misremembered it says "pay" for the aggregate results, not sell.

Our DAP deployment is jointly run by Mozilla and ISRG. Privacy is lost if the two organizations collude to reveal individual values. We safeguard against this in several ways: trust in both organizations, joint agreements, and operational practices.

A full solution will require that advertisers — or their delegated measurement provider — receive reports from browsers, select a service, submit a batch of reports, and pay for the aggregation results, choosing from a list of approved operators.

For the trial, the results for each task will be sent to Mozilla’s telemetry systems, which will be used to access aggregated statistics.

So it doesn't say ISRG is going sell data, but the "full solution" will have other operators that get payed, i.e. they're going to sell the aggregate data. Also, they envision multiple such operators, all of which it seems need to be "trusted".


[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 7 months ago

Das sehe ich anders, wenn man Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzt, damit Hilfsgüter in Gaza gelangen. Wenn man Luft- und Seebrücken einrichten will. Die Priorität liegt für mich im Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und der Beendigung des Konflikts.

Die Luftbrücke ist ein Tropfen auf einem heißen Stein, eine PR-Aktion (der Amis). Die Anlegestelle wird wann fertig? Und Israel soll die Güter auch kontrollieren dürfen, die darüber gehen (auf Zypern oder so) bzw. kontrollieren das Teil in Gaza eh de-facto. Also können die das blockieren genauso wie die anderen Übergänge. Wenn Israel wollte, könnten die jetzt schon Hilfsgüter reinlassen. Wieso sollte das dort anders sein? Das bringt gar nichts außer als weitere PR-Aktion (der Amis) oder Zeitschinderei.

Und Deutschland hat die Zahlungen an die UNRWA eingestellt. Das ist das Gegenteil von "Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung" setzen, das ist direkte Unterstützung, durch die BuReg, am Aushungern der Bevölkerung in Gaza.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 7 months ago

In der Bundesregierung ist die Sorge groß, dass sich Israel mit seiner Kriegsführung in Gaza ins internationale Aus schießt, dass es zum Paria wird.

Baerbock macht im Nahen Osten klar, dass ihre Loyalität Israel gilt – aber eben nicht nur. Deutschland trage auch Verantwortung für das internationale Recht, betont sie vor ihrem Abflug.

Das heißt, zuerst mal geht es immer noch darum, Israel zu helfen. Verhungernde Palästinenser sind zweitrangig. Und das nach fast einem halben Jahr uneingeschränkter Unterstützung für Israel, während die Völkermord begehen. Die Prioritäten sind doch das Gegenteil von dem, was sie sein sollten.

Doch die deutsche Außenministerin hat nicht viel in der Hand, um auf Israels Führung einzuwirken. Benjamin Netanyahu lässt sich ja nicht einmal mehr von der US-Regierung beeindrucken.

Ob das eine Einladung an die Netanyahu-Regierung ist, sich als Opfer darzustellen, ist wurst, die werden nur aufhören, wenn sie materiell dazu gezwungen sind. Da könnte die BuReg z.B. ein Verbot für Waffenlieferungen machen, wie das Canada jetzt gemacht hat. Klar, wichtig wäre, dass das die USA machen, sonst bringt das nicht so viel, aber die BuReg könnte ja mal mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen, anstatt immer erst zu handeln, wenn die Amerikaner es vormachen.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

No. It says right there on the github, it can do all sorts of stuff. It can replace audio tracks.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

It doesn't if it's there to wage an illegal war.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

Can you prove that in court.

Yes. They say that shit, and the lower ranks repeat it, and it gets done. Clearly the orders get relayed and implemented. What more proof do you need? It is nothing new that people lie when committing crimes to cover their asses. But you can actually look at what they're doing to figure which of these statements is actually true: "We do everything in accordance with international law!" or "We will starve and bomb them until they leave or die!".

Israel almost never punishes any of their own soldiers, or even admits any wrongdoing, even in pretty clear-cut cases. Arguing that Israeli courts are going to stop the genocide is completely delusional. They haven't done shit so far, and they have no track record of doing anything. That's because this is not about individual war crimes, this is a systemic policy implemented and supported throughout all institutions of the Israeli state, coming from the very top. You just do not want to see it.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 10 months ago

This is not a bashism. It'll work fine with any sh.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 11 months ago

This is a fact. They pretend Germany is "importing antisemitism", as if that needs importing. And somehow, someone that comes here, fleeing a genocide committed by Zionists, is clearly the real antisemite when they complain about it, because apparently no one could object to this treatment unless they hate Jews for no reason.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

The roofs of pretty much all the cars are dented inwards. If you search for images of burned out cars, you can see that fire doesn't usually cause dented-in roofs. This means the center of the explosion was above the cars, in the air, and was probably much bigger than the small crater would indicate.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes. You can make an argument that some of the land was legally purchased, but even at the time, this was part of a plan of colonization and ethnic cleansing, so it's essentially property owned by a criminal enterprise or its members. Palestinians also deserve restitution for decades of oppression. So IMHO all property owned by Israel, any Zionist institution, or any Israeli found guilty of taking part in the oppression may be seized.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

I already responded to this in a reply to another user:

So it’s perfectly normal to revive a slogan that was last used by fascists? I’m sure the fact that Ukraine also made Bandera a national hero and put up statues of him and named streets in his honor right around the same time that slogan made its comeback is just a coincidence? Totally innocent slogan my ass.

You might be blind in your right eye if you think this isn't some fascist shit. This is like "the swastika is an old Hindu symbol" type defense, only worse because you're ignoring the Hitler portrait right next to it.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

Try filing a bug report with your distro or whatever project (wireplumber? alsa?) you think is responsible.

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