Meet was a great app. It really did what it was designed to do.
I own a Jelly 2 and really like it to play around with. However, I find it too small as a daily driver, when I tried that for two weeks. Due to the small size, it is also really bulky, so instead of a tablet, you have a bump in your pocket. For me, the perfect size is around 4,5-5" (minus the keyboard of the titan slim). The Tank Mini 1 has a good screen size, but again is really thick.
Wahlweise aus "G'schäfft"
I was thinking that this is mainly a US thing and then saw that the article talks about the US. Android is still more common in the rest of the world.
The article contradicts the unspecified headline in the first sentence: "It's no secret that Android is the most-used operating system in the world, a title it first earned after surpassing Windows in 2017."
Also: Ü
So much this! I believe this was a feature on the reddit app.
I wanna check out the 8 or wait for the 8a. For me the size of the 4a is perfect. I want the replacement to be as handy.
26% means that you cannot use it to talk to 74% of your friends. So European users usually use a service that runs equally well on iOS and Android.
Reading your comment I am thinking that Mexico might pay for a border after all - to keep Americans out.
Is this a normal price for TV in the US? In Europe it is more like 10-20€, which is why 50$ sounds out of this world ridiculous.
Lachsschinken von Gutfried(?) gibt es seit kurzem und ist echt gut (Edit: mit knapp 30€ pro kg aber leider viel zu teuer).
Ansonsten stimme ich OP bei der Auflistung voll zu. Am meisten verzweifle ich noch bei Bratwurst, insbesondere wenn jetzt die Grillsaison kommt.