[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 5 points 1 day ago

I took one college course and couldn’t handle it. On top of that I was the weird student that wanted to use a Mac instead of the school’s own computers. So anytime I had a problem, the teacher would just blame me using Xcode instead of Visual Studio.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/tenforward@lemmy.world

For those unaware, Garrett Wang has discussed many times that on his way to his Voyager audition, he almost ran over Harrison Ford at Paramount Studios.

Dirty Laundry is a game show on Dropout where guest (mainly comedians) drink cocktails and guess each other’s secrets.

EDIT: Just to be clear, this wasn’t Garrett, and that isn’t a secret. And no one brings that up.

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 5 points 3 days ago

Definitely gonna try the hasperat, bloodwine and Orion hurricane. Seriously, no gagh? The Andorian and Romulan ale sound the same. Not interested in a cocktail tea. Also, a plomeek tea but not a soup?

Some odd choices. If the Chateau Picard is the same wine Star Trek Wines makes, then I’ve had it. However, if that is the case then I’d expect the bloodwine to be from Star Trek Wines, which I haven’t had.

FYI: the three Chateau Picard bottles are the same. I asked a vender at STLV. Just a different bottle.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/tenforward@lemmy.world
[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 27 points 4 days ago

Why are non-European countries even allowed to participate?

New Key West Tourism Ad (startrek.website)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/tenforward@lemmy.world

Heard a tourism ad for Key West, Florida which has the line “There’s only one road into Key West[…]” on The D-Con Chamber podcast. This is where my mind went.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/startrek@startrek.website

EDIT: For anyone doubting the validity of a YouTube channel, Ellie Littlechild and Seán Ferrick are people that attend Trek events. I met Seán at STLV last year. On top of this they have interviewed Mulgrew. While this news is unconfirmed as Ellie stated, Seán relayed this information second hand from Star Trek: The Cruise, which featured the cast of Voyager for its 30th anniversary.

Changes in Vulcan Beliefs (startrek.website)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/daystrominstitute@startrek.website

Did Syrran’s teachings change the accepted spiritual and philosophical ideology of mainstream Vulcan society? ENT had the unique position of being a prequel to TOS. It at first presented mind-melds as a deviant act that was socially unacceptable. Moving into the 23rd century of TOS and the movies (I’m going on recall right now), the deviance seemed to have gone away. However the dangers of mind-melds held true even by the time of VOY. When ENT reached the three parter of “The Forge”, “Awakening” and “Kir’Shara”, the story specifically focused on katras.

It feels like the direction ENT was pointed, the people in charge of the big lore wanted to flip what we knew about Vulcan society. One of the major conflicts over the course of the series was the Earth-Vulcan relationship. Of course this was rooted in the Federation arch.

To clarify my question: did the rebellious teachings of a cult (T’Pol specifically calls the Syrrannites a “violent cult”), become the accepted beliefs over a century?


This special announcement comes after previously announcing Bruce Greenwood (Captain Pike) and Jennifer Morrison (Winona Kirk) from ST09 for the convention.

Tickets for Universal Fan Fest Nights Now Available (www.universalstudioshollywood.com)

Various ticket packages are available (which mainly include access to the park itself). Tickets start at $74 (Sunday dates), $79 (Friday dates) and $84 (Saturday dates).

If you are interested in cosplaying, the website has a list of restrictions. The ones I noted that would apply to Trekkies are no phasers, no balloons (I saw a person with balloons at STLV), or service animals in costume/part of costume (I saw this too at STLV). So please read the list before dressing up.

Hard not to join in. (startrek.website)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/tenforward@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by hopesdead@startrek.website to c/risa@startrek.website
[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 73 points 3 months ago

He probably thinks he deserves it and never actually said he wanted any.

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 62 points 4 months ago

At this point, looking at this vehicle with your naked eyes is bound to cause damage.

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 180 points 5 months ago

I’m pretty sure this is in response to a recent California bill that forces digital storefronts to disclose if it is a license you are getting. Otherwise the storefront is not allowed to use words like “buy” or “purchase”.


[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 56 points 5 months ago

Shouldn’t Church and State doctrine (or whatever it is called) immediately make all of this illegal?

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 121 points 5 months ago

I guess none of you noticed the editorial board has a signature from Ted Kaczynski, aka Unabomber.

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 247 points 6 months ago

Are you dating a spreadsheet?

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 63 points 7 months ago

Didn’t Trump get famous for “firing” people on TV?

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 77 points 9 months ago

I fucking hate Blanco. I live in the county he is in. When the pandemic hit in 2020, he openly reported to the public that he would not enforce the health orders the county was issuing. On top of that he had many, many of his deputies die in the prison system due to COVID, plus the jail system in the county has been criticized for issues under his watch. Maybe worst of all, he was a member of Oath Keepers.

I fucking hate this dude. To make the matters worse again, back in March, the Riverside County Supervisors voted against separating the Sheriff’s Department from the Corner’s office. Apparently there have been a number of unexplained(?) deaths in the jail system that the department has not investigated after receiving complaints from families.

He is one of the worst people in elected office in Riverside County. Somehow people keep voting for him.

[-] hopesdead@startrek.website 64 points 10 months ago

No shock here. A majority of the world is on a stance of “anything/anyone against the state of Israel is antisemitism”. This is such a false equivalency. Just because something/someone is against what the government of Israel, does not mean it/they are hateful towards the Jewish people. Hell, making such an equivalency is placing actually Jewish people in an unintended hate group.

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