He was 0.63 seconds below the minimum, over a half a second indicates he was overly focused on being right on top of Piastri rather than his margin. Max appears to get more reckless under pressure.
An armed proletariat is much more difficult to control.
They might miss a round of golf, that would be a terrible injustice.
US athletes are not testing positive and still allowed to compete. The cheating by individuals is expected, the cover up by countries is not.
The cost of man hours for these "custom" cabinets is probably 3 or 4 times the cost of high end cabinets.
There was a 2nd explosion right after the 1st was that a 2nd missile or an IED?
The best part of the Gitlab UI is when it gets upgraded and you have to relearn how to find everything.
Streaming services are middle men with exclusivity rights on products. They sell simular but different things, think of them like dealership repair shops, they both fix cars but they fix different cars.
That's a short term view. No team is good in their first few years, minus Brawn. If they entered this year or next they would be able to refine their chassis so they can compete in 2028 when they get GM engines.
The financial argument makes more sense, it's much more difficult to prove that Andretti would grow the business, but with US interest waning it might be the thing that brings people back.
They'll pollute even more as they're idling on the highway waiting to move instead of getting to their destination more efficiently.
The issue was that the only way to know for sure was to watch a recording of the original airing, the episode could have been modified in reruns.