It's yall's fault for using windows.
Linux is literally available for free.
It's yall's fault for using windows.
Linux is literally available for free.
Looks like if I want to learn French, I'll be able to speak it in:
-A few place in Canada that also speak English
-France's colonies in Africa
-A tiny country in South America most people can't name by looking at this picture
I rest my case. French canadians are pretentious about the significance of the french language. They don't want to admit it's a niche language and they want to waste people's time learning it in schools because they had to waste their time learning it. They don't want to admit it was and still is a waste of time and energy for those who are not predominantly interested in specifically French/French canadian culture.
Source for picture:
So... censorship and not-actually-being-decentralized are your reasons for liking it more?
shitty CEO
Err... don't be fooled. The CEO of bluesky is only in this to make money. If he could do what musk does, odds are he would.
This is fucking stupid.
Our rulers are literally dictating who we can communicate with.
Yep. Citizens' United guaranteed that by allowing corporations to funnel an unlimited amount of money into campaigns.
Just a heads up, if ~~spending~~ wasting egregious amounts of money didn't influence the outcome of elections, why would people do it?
Me too.
Personally, I thought the series would've ended with getting to play as Desmond for most of the game, actually being an assassin in the modern day.
Honestly, an entire rhythm game could be made out of that idea.
I wouldn't expect it to happen naturally, though. The game would have to be built around it.
Yeah, I really enjoyed the polish of it and how it showed us what a better fallout could be.[
That said, it was woefully lacking on content and committed a cardinal sin of gaming: the ending felt like the game was just getting started.
Also, not a fan at all of whoever is telling them to ignore romance options.
While I don't agree with the 'tankie' rhetoric (it's been thrown around so much that word has no meaning here), mod abuse has definitely gotten out of control across most online communities.
It's opening up an opportunity for communities that don't tolerate mod abuse to flourish.
The mods only have themselves to blame. Hopefully these new communities won't repeat the same mistakes.
It does feel oddly timed, but I personally made a new news community on my instance to fight back against the mod abuse on the more popular news instance in this part of the fediverse.
People are taking notice of mod abuse and leaving because they don't support it.
Decentralization ftw!