moon landing
No, this is moon moon lift off.
If nothing else, try to not forget the stupid walks for the stupid mental health.
No, you are going to be eaten by poisonous snakes, its your choice to byte them to let the poison act before they start biting you.
A trolley problem in a different shape.
I think you mean Codium/VSCodium? Some of the extensions can be downloaded from the ms page and then loaded into it, but you are back at the moral questions that made you use the alternative.
At the beginning of the year, the main developer, Ernest, was dealing with health issues (without details). The project has not had activity recently because of that, and it is not known much more. We wish him the best tho.
Fine, so, in which of the 3 would the inspirational science fiction westerns be?
"Gruyere Signal"