Hey, thanks for your garbage, much appreciated.
I think I'm a bit slow today, can I have an ELI5?
Edit: I don't understand the downvote, I'm genuine about not understanding the thing about redemptions.
I don't disagree with most things. But I don't think the celebration of not having a job muddles a bit the point. I don't see a viable future if everyone does the same.
I don't get the point of the comic,, what happens to the money part?
Same, on windows I have had changed the front levels of the speakers to work in the range 0-25%. But I never know how the hell to reach that dialog in an easy way. I couldn't explain how I did it.
This link explains something else but the screen captures are similar. But for "front" you have to scroll down. https://www.abyssmedia.com/isound7/how-to-hear-line-in.shtml
I don't care a lot about the opinion of the guys that want to make you pay subscriptions for your own car heating.