It will be a huge recession. Gigantic... The biggest recession you have ever seen. Much bigger than anything Joe Biden has done...
He lost the coins in 2013. So, he probably got them earlier than 2013.
Seed phrases were not originally part of Bitcoin. They came with Bitcoin improvement proposal 39 in 2013.
Back then, the options were more limited. But there were options, e.g. making a backup, writing down the private key on paper, ...
10% of your people vote for a party.
The votes increase by 10% => now 11%
The votes increase by 200% => now 30%
The votes increased by 50 percent points => now 60%
Only in a broken democracy...
cute snat...
I Germany, I hear this often, but it's also often mentioned that the death numbers reported by them were usually reliable.
Currently, it is recovering from attacks from Google. Only self-hosting works reliably at the moment..
"What is your gender?"
82 females, 3300 males...
Ah guys, where are the females?
It's too dry now. Add some liquid...
"We and our 693 partners need your data"
Wait, people pay for that?
If 16 is too young for Lemmy, 92 is unfortunately too old.
I'm sorry, but if you can't use it during the first 17 years of your life, you shouldn't be allowed to use it during the last 17 years either!!!!!!!11 Rules are rules...