It's ridiculously expensive. It's not private if you have to link your searches to a paid account and none of those payment providers are private. They don't seem to have open sourced any of their key functionality, meaning you have to trust them to not be collecting your activity data.
I spent a long time getting rid of software and using services that I either no longer trusted or was unable to make an informed choice due to their lack of open source code and I'm not going to take a retrograde step now. And that's without the issue with their choice (a continued choice I believe) to use Brave results, a company I'm personally not prepared to support.
Unless a characters race or gender or ethnicity or (dis)ability is a key component of either their arc or the story as whole (e.g. the plot depends on it), who the fuck cares who's playing who? I saw the same thing happen when the Dune movie had the Liet-Kynes character portrayed by a black woman. It makes absolutely zero difference to the story what gender or race Liet-Kynes was and she was really good anyway.