Almost all poll messages are scams too. Run by organized crime outside of the USA
I learned several new things by reading the parent bug and this
That was only clear to those who think the USA is a working democracy, where the purple states have fair elections. It was clear to idealists or uninformed.
To those who understand why computer ballots should not be used, or just plain cynical, it was clear the choice was out of our hands
Years from now ( think tens of millions) paleontologists of some species will wonder about this age, and think that this was great extinction caused by a period of volcanic instability; with monkeys and some mammals overrepresented in the fossil record
There is still a lot of violent potential in all this population, it just needs to be nurtured by a working grassroots movement. And that is broken. Just like you can drive a car with a working motor, that has a busted axle; you cannot lead violent people to do things if there is no place to hook up or meet in person.
This applies to the people who oppose you as much as you, and I mean anyone. So, the current situation is sort of a stabilizing force at the moment
20 cents, take it or leave it
The process makes file to read via http (not https), it’s just a nonce ( some random characters). Once their server reads that file, using the domain (and not the ip) and compares with what is expected, this shows you own the domain , and they give you a new ssl cert, modifying your server’s https configuration file (usually). And deletes the file it made .
I am working on a small and new project which will decentralized; and can act like a glue and common carrier to many other decentralized services. Nothing to see until later. Its only been a year since I began it, part time, in my basement, at night
This gives me huge interest in seeing what the new trends are!
I think such decentralized services to remove the bulky single server is the future for people, however it runs, in the next decade; and will spark a new era of services
I program a lot with both wp and laravel over the last years. Not sure what I want to say other than they are cool but different vibes and skills.
Wp can be used out in the box by almost anyone who is web savvy; laravel is always needing some assembly, at the least, so the entry there is programming or deep pockets to pay that.
Wp community and sites is probably a thousand times larger than laravel?
Nothing stopping meta from adjusting or hiding the vote count later. Hundreds of ways to fiddle with that thing, some really subtle and would not generate drama.
I’m pretty sure the current reason to remove the fact checking is so the company is not put on a collision course with government, a government that will lie so much daily it will break all records.
So, just because they can alter the community notes does not mean they will
I think that’s a frog?
Texas Austin layoffs 20 years ago poll: 1/3 did fast food, 1/3 jail