I can understand you have different criteria for dedicated servers, but private servers are certainly not generally characterized by still being on 1st party hardware. You need only look at private servers for Minecraft, WoW, and the like
I'm not comparing their scale, just the ability to enjoy something without it seeming like there's much there to others. But if you want to compare, I was imagining MC back before even the Nether. I had plenty of fun just mining and stacking blocks to build whatever, nothing like what became available toward 1.0. SC is kind of in the same situation, but their timeline is just 20x greater because of the scope.
What tech demos are you referring to specifically and how are they not connected? I guess there's flight tech, fps tech, cargo tech, economy tech, etc, but you can walk to your ship, fly off, land somewhere, shoot guys, loot some cargo, put it on your ship, fly back to a city, and sell it, all in one go. One thing that's actually disconnected is Arena Commander, but that's specifically for people that want more traditional, arcadey pvp.
Who okayed this article? It's just a signal boost of the Inside Gaming article with nothing new added besides anti-Cloud Imperium fluff. Also, they actually misrepresent the lieu time given, conflating the Citizencon lieu time for the Squadron 42 lieu time that has a restriction on when it can be used. As far as the original article goes, there aren't any know restrictions on the former.
Wow, I'm glad I switched back in early December. What a nightmare it would be to still have those problems
My Xmas starts and ends with a good old bedmas
I'm sure everyone's first actual thought was to take the $5 because it's the practical and "adult" thing to do, but then they were reminded of how dull and boring their choices have become and decided to have a little fun on the internet
From my experience default KDE is more windows-like so it can help with transition for Windows users
Bosons would like a word 🤼
- The amount of people warped by COD or Lolicon is not 100%, but it's certainly not 0%
- It sounds like you haven't actually played COD because the game is about WARFARE, not domestic terrorism. Maybe ask people who joined the US military how inspired they were by the game