[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 4 points 1 day ago

Kind of disagree. The design is actually really simple and cleverly looks like just a fin when small enough

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 38 points 1 month ago

Does your cock run down to your knee or your ankle

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 28 points 4 months ago

As bug ridden and feature incomplete as Star Citizen is right now, I really can't deny how beautifully detailed the ships and cities are. It is actually quite difficult to ignore.

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 33 points 4 months ago

What does "let him try and find the hard drive" really mean? Does he just want access to the landfill or is he expecting some kind of cooperation with the workers? How disruptive is he going to be?

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 93 points 6 months ago
[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 56 points 8 months ago

I kind of agree that this may be a little overblown. Exploiting this requires device and filesystem access so if you can get the keys you can already get a lot more stuff.

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 27 points 10 months ago

This brings a smile to my face

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 52 points 10 months ago

Am I reading this right? Officer gets raped by mentor in service vehicle multiple times. They file a complaint and an investigation is launched. A second investigation is triggered that finds that the officer getting raped while in a service vehicle counts as her using the service vehicle to conduct a romantic relationship?

Well I guess she shouldn't have gotten raped huh. At very least if she was going to get raped it shouldn't have been in a service vehicle.


[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 32 points 11 months ago

You forgot to include a link to the project:



I just got myself an Arctis Nova 7X and have been trying to get chat mix to work using HeadsetControl and Nova7ChatmixLinux. The latter uses the former to poll the Nova 7X for the current chat mix balance. The creator set the polling rate at 1/sec which is a little long, but I fear it may be for hardware safety reasons. I got the Nova 7X because my Arctis 7 died with suspicious timing. I had installed a version of HeadsetControl with a gui that had polling rate adjustment and the 7's transmitter stopped receiving power shortly after I set the polling rate to 1/sec.

Has anyone fiddled with these projects and the Nova 7s and have any insight into polling rates that may be unsafe?

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 28 points 1 year ago

Are you sure? This sounds like the exact opposite

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 38 points 1 year ago

The follow up question could have been "where in Canada", but it decidedly wasn't

[-] limitedduck@awful.systems 41 points 1 year ago

These comments are quite devoid of meme energy

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