[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

Lol. I love how consumed you are with trying to argue about this, insisting that this is just atheists trying to be edgy...

They are trolling stupid assholes and you are absolutely taking the bait.

Congratulations, you're a stupid asshole.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

Did you know that Cub Scouts isn't compromised of bear cubs?

Did you know that the only baseball teams that take part in The World Series are North American?

Did you know that Dr Pepper is neither a doctor nor a pepper?

So what's really up your craw?

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

You're not wrong, but anyone who leaves shit like this or the stupid church dollars as a tip is a special kind of asshole.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

There goes my hero, watch him as he goes.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

I've done tons of ketamine. It's an amazing molecule that can absolutely help you put your brain onto a better track.

But it's not a magic bullet. It takes work.

If you have access to a reputable therapist, you might be able to get some good results.

It's worth looking into, at the very least.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

Back in the days of 35mm film, movies were delivered to theaters in individual reels. A typical movie would be five to seven reels long.

It was my Thursday job to tape all the reels together into one long piece of film for the Friday premier. I'd also have to build the trailer packs, add cues for lights down/up... just generally make sure that the movie would work as it's supposed to.

For reference, you see that platter of film in the OP picture? That platter was delivered in chunks, and building the print is putting all those chunks together to make a complete movie.

I'd absolutely do an AMA if there were a mechanism to do so.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

They'll do their own research and make their own well informed, reasonable conclu...

Sorry, I can't keep that bullshit up.

Most groups will move their goalposts as far as they need to in order to make the new reality fit their narrative. They won't actually change their minds about anything here on earth.

Other groups will start attacking the sources of the new information. The weaker will simply question the facts, like they did during the pandemic. There will also probably be a more militant arm, physically attacking telescopes and sources of extraterrestrial information like Gary Busey's son did in Contact.

A few will embrace the knowledge that there is intelligent life outside our planet... and immediately start preparing missionary trips to spread the word of their upcoming redemption like some kind of latter day Prior of the Ori.

A very small group will see this as the truth it is... that their accepted view of reality isn't correct, that maybe they should rethink things.

In short, we can absolutely depend on the religious to ruin things for everyone else, just like always.

But seriously, we should also be hopeful that whatever intelligent life we may possibly discover doesn't have their own problems with religion... because that will not end well for anyone.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 24 points 1 year ago

Directors that film on Imax generally still have a hard on for physical film.

Not that I blame them. I ran movie theaters for 20 years and while I really did appreciate how much easier my job was after we went digital, I legitimately missed working projection booth shifts when it was all film. Threading and starting two dozen projectors all day long and building prints, it was some of the most fun I ever had at a job. It was really zen, just you and the machines.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

So much of the dialog is Deadwood is absolutely brilliant, but one scene really stuck with me.

"Pain or damage don’t end the world, or despair or fuckin’ beatin’s. The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man — and give some back."

Ian McShane deserved an Emmy for his work as Al Swearengen. That slow stare at the end of the scene alway kills me. I know it's supposed to be a drama, but they really go for some laughs.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 137 points 1 year ago

I can't wait to be one of the "I was part of the great Reddit migration" dudes when this lemmy stuff inevitably goes tits up in 15 years.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

Would it help to start liking/subscribing to videos that specifically debunk those kinds of conspiracy videos? Or, at the very least, demonstrate rational concepts and critical thinking?

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