The faceting community would welcome anyone who wants to create a wine pairing guide for our lickable rocks.
3.6 minutes in the context of a 40 hour work week is a 0.15% increase in work. No sane person would consider that clinically significant. If they're claiming there's a significant difference of 0.15% between the groups, they're making shit up.
Maybe it was... copious amounts... and gravity utilized the pant leg openings...
Brb gonna puke from my own mental image
Based on the article, the device will host actual kidney cells - I'm sure it won't be as effective as having your own original kidney, especially in it's early prototypes, but hopefully it'll be better than mere dialysis.
Even if the device was just a glorified portable dialysis machine though, that would still be a significant quality of life improvement for those on dialysis. With dialysis you're locally tethered to the dialysis clinic because you need weekly treatments, until you eventually die or win the kidney lottery. With a portable machine you could hopefully travel, see the world and visit family more.
Be kind to your kidneys everyone, drink enough water! You don't want a life without efficient kidneys.
It's not actually blue. If there are two full moons in the same calendar month, the second full moon is referred to as "blue". It will be the same color it always is.
It would be a helluva lot cooler if it actually was blue, but alas...
OP you deserve so much more than an upvote for this compilation - this is truly impressive. I had no idea I was missing out on so many yarncraft communities! I will rectify this ASAP thanks to you.
I agree fake, but only because this knitted piece would require a single noodle many yards long in order to achieve this length. Unless this is a singular noodle of epic proportions, there's no way this could be done.
A standard ramen noodle would get you two, maybe 3 rows before running out.
(Been knitting for over ten years now)
Can mosquitos even suck blood from a leech? I feel like blood probably doesn't taste as good when it's secondhand.