yeah, it turns out the hyper-breeder anchor baby southern hemisphere first-language-not-english with a dumb incomprehensible accent immigrant who takes your job and destroys the country is in fact a real guy. and as usual, it's the fucker who was shouting this fascist garbage the loudest.

also doing lots of treason.

something something organic chemistry something something properties of silica?

[-] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

if you do basically any fighting, so much as throwing a rock or spraying paint, you're in 'fugitive for life' or 'make sure nobody ever finds out it was you' territory. there's only like two levels of escalation higher than that, and you need to blow up a bunch of shit+be muslim, or nonviolently unite diverse groups to common communal goals, assuming you want to reach those.

also, please send very well armed help. if you don't liberate us, america will start invading soon. first it will probably be canada or greenland, but that shit won't STOP at any point.

it's not just the ability to boost false or suggestive narratives.

every single major media platform out of silicon valley has a procedurally refined algorithm to turn your son brother cousin etc into a nazi. this is on purpose. use a fresh OS install from a fresh connection, and go to youtube. search for the most anodyne shit, but especially things a boy might be interested in-lego builds, space ships, tips for running faster. within a few hours of suggested videos, which do auto-play if I remember right, you'll be seeing fuckers like andrew tate and jordan peterson. within about two days of letting it run, without clicking anything but 'yes im still watching' you'll be seeing dudes talk about "BLOOD AND SOIL!" and why your next door neighbor's car breaking down means we must exterminate the jews. facebook does this. instagram does this. tiktok does this since a couple months ago. this isn't just some fluke of an unconsidered system set loose in the wild having bad effects-this is deliberate and engineered.

they target old people and young women too, but it's not as simple and not as well refined. these are attacks. these systems are attacks on your society. they are actively trying to turn people, and young men are the most vulnerable group, into nazis, into useful idiots and potential stochastic terrorists. this is not hypothetical. the perpetrators of recent genocides have talked about how useful a tool it is.

these systems are attacks, and they do have a body count.

[-] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

but that would be communism. which would mean you need 'anti communists' like musk to fight it. sorry. had almost this exact same discussion in california fifteen years ago. you need some extra extra justification to back it, which means you're going to need really good messaging. kinda hoping you can skip the bullshit we went through on this that gave the nazis time to fuck everything up.

[-] 21 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

hey, speaking as someone whose democracy was absolutely murdered in silicon valley:

ban conservative and algorithm driven profit-motivated media, social and otherwise. this may include youtube. ban large language models and their outputs. this is the chief tool of fascists used to create their propaganda and murder the concept of truth. make your (great?) grandfather proud; kill some fucking nazis wherever they poke their vile heads up.

I genuinely believe that if we had done this, we would be... still fucked, but fucked by neoliberals, who leave a wad of cash on the bed rather than stabbing us so they can cum. please don't repeat our mistakes. maybe also fortify your southern border. sorry.

we can fix this by putting estrogen in the water. sorry in advance to all the trans guys; your sacrifice will be honored.

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