Maybe it's just me, but I think entities that deliberately spread and use malware should be punished and held accountable. Too bad these entities help write the laws.
I think it's hilarious that western leaders are worried about provoking Russia by providing Ukraine with weaponry that can be used in Russian territory.
Russia is at war with us. It's not tanks, fighter jets and battleships. It's cyber warfare, disinfomation campaigns, bribing of right wing politicians and poisonings. Just because nobody wants to call it a war, doesn't make it go away.
Imagine being such a bad prospect as a franchise, you have to offer a coach a six year contract and $80mio.
And then imagine such a bad season, you rather let him go and eat the rest of his contract, than have him continue the work.
Some real geniuses in Detroit.
Discovery has always been a mixed bag for me.
I was fine with their changes to the Klingons, but disliked the emphasis of action.
I liked Pike and Spock (an Strange new Worlds), bit disliked the final battle with a million ships/drones.
I liked the jump into the future, but disliked the reason and resolution of the Burn.
I liked the threat of the DMA and its consequences, but the interpersonal relationships of the crew lost their appeal to me.
Season 5 was one of the weakest for me.
The Breen and the new XO two positives for me.
The crew, the Progenitor Tech and the search for it were all boring for me. Especially the established characters are more annoying than interesting to me.
Mol and L'ak ruined the season for me, more specifically Mol. A cross between a tantrum-having toddler and rebellious teenager, she added nothing to the plot. Her random connection to Book was blatantly manufactured and added nothing.
I actively had to stop myself from skipping scenes with her. I was close to just stop watching this season, since the rest wasn't too compelling either. I really dislike when antagonist keep sticking around, because the heroes try saving them (from themselves). It's okay to let a horrible person bleed to death, Michael.
I'm glad it's over. It could have been better, but also worse. I think this season showed it was a good decision to end it now.
Discovery had its ups and downs for me over the seasons. The Progenitor tech. Breen. Both interesting. Moll and L'ak and the forced connection to Book ruin it for me. I get annoyed every time Moll opens her mouth.
I enjoy shows that add personal connections into their story, but Discovery is excessive and misses quite a lot.
No, it's an android app.
I don't like to install an app for every service or product, but newpipe adds so much value, that it's a no-brainer for me.
Logseq + Syncthing for Linux and Android
Ach der "Bürgergeld-Empänger erhalten zu viel" Idiot will Leuten erzählen, welchen Wert die Arbeit hat?
Nein danke, ich brauche keine gelb übermahlte AFD Thesen
Deshalb lache ich jedem ins Gesicht, der behauptet Kernkraft ist billig und und eine kurz- bis mittelfristige Alternative für Deutschland.
Bei unserer Bürokratie muss man doch bestimmt mit ein Minimum von 20 Jahren von Projektstart bis Inbetriebnahme rechnen.
Genau das. Leider scheinen wir Wähler ein kurzes Gedächtnis zu haben, wenn es um die FDP und ihre Taten geht.
Meine Hoffnung ist, dass sie in Bund und Ländern unter 5% kommt und auch bleibt.
Rumors are it will have a LCD screen. That way Nintendo will be able to make a version with an OLED screen a few years later and sell it to you again. They're so "innovative".
Dear enthusiasts, please buy it so the price for the 7800x3D plummets and I can buy that one. Thanks.