[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 23 points 3 months ago

Es geht einfach darum, den börsendotierten Konzernen und den großen Arbeitgebern weiterhin hohe Gewinneinnahmen zu generieren, als Kompensation für geringere Abstätze ihrer Produkte.

Es geht ja anscheinend nicht darum, produktiver, also effizienter zu arbeiten, sondern einfach eine noch längere Zeitspanne als sonst schon irgendwelche sinnlosen Bullshit-Arbeiten zu verrichten. Ginge es um Produktivität oder Effizienz, dann würde man bessere Werkzeuge, modernere Ausrüstung etc. bereitstellen. Dies würde aber bedeuten, dass man was investieren müsste, was den momentanen Gewinn in diesem Fall aber schmälert.

Die Leute aber mehr arbeiten zu lassen, kann man quasi umsonst haben. Die geleisteten Überstunden werden dann halt aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht anerkannt - zumindest kann ich mir so etwas in vielen Jobs vorstellen, bei denen der Arbeitnehmer ungelernt und somit schnell austauschbar ist. Arbeitnehmer, die um ihren Wert wissen, oder eine gefragte Qualifikation haben, werden so etwas nicht so leicht mit sich machen lassen. Darum bleibt auch der öffentliche Aufschrei aus.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 20 points 3 months ago

Back in the 90s our school had one room with a permantently installed TV set. Class was taking part in this room once a week. When we all behaved - and we did! - we were allowed to watch MTV in this room for the last remaining 15 minutes of the lesson. It was the time where boy groups and Euro Dance music was at its peak. For us 5th or 6th-graders this was the most important thing every week.


How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 19 points 3 months ago

Leider wird auch hier nichts passieren. Im Zeit-Online-Artikel beteuert der Betreiber des Lokals zwar:

"Wir distanzieren uns von jeder Art von Rassismus und Diskriminierung." Jeder Gast, unabhängig von seiner Ethnie, sei herzlich willkommen, bekräftigen sie. Die Teilnehmer der Gruppe bekämen Hausverbot.

jedoch gibt es einen Kommentar unter dem Artikel, der genau das Gegenteil behauptet.

So schreibt der Nutzer "Stonki":

Hier eine Tripadvisor Bewertung aus Sommer 2017: Fremdenhass purJuli 2017 ... Wir saßen im Außenbereich der Bar. Unweit von uns der Chef des Hauses. Alle mit guter Stimmung bis zu dem Moment als der Hausherr lauthals anfing - kurz vor schreien könnte es auch treffen - über Türken zu reden. Seine Weltanschauung war, ich darf zitieren, "In meinen Club kommen keine Türken. Solange ich hier bin erschiesse ich jeden Türken der hier rein will." Solche und ähnliche Worte sprach er mehrere Minuten lang. Alle restlichen noch anwesenden Gäste samt Personal schämten sich nur noch. ... vielleicht doch kein Zufall..

So wie es sich hier darstellt, stimmen das Verhalten der Gäste anscheinend mit der Gesinnung des Betreibers überein. Dies erklärt dann auch, warum dieses Verhalten nicht sofort abgestellt wurde. Da wird keinem der anwesenden Gäste nachträglich ein Hausverbot ausgesprochen. Die haben dieses Verhalten bewusst an den Tag gelegt, weil sie unter ihresgleichen waren (quasi geschlossene Gesellschaft, irgendwo anders habe ich gelesen, dass ein Eintritt von 150 € gezahlt werden musste) - selbst das veröffentlichte Video wird wahrscheinlich keinerlei Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen.

Bei dem Lokal handelt es sich um den Pony Club in Kampen auf Sylt.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 30 points 4 months ago

As it has been pointed out by others, research data shows that plastic bottle caps are a significant part of trash that is washed onto beaches. In order to prevent that bottles now come with tethered caps. From this point of view this measurement might be understandable. But does one really lose the caps of these bottles that often? Is this really the problem?

Where I live these kind of bottles are part of a deposit system. When you return them at a supermarket you get your deposit (25 Cent) back. This alone ensures that these bottles barely end up anywhere in the enviroment in the first place. When these bottles are returned at the supermarket, all of the bottles do have their respective caps screwed on. This method is practical, as you can collect these bottles wtihout having to deal with leakages of excess liquids.

I never had any issues regarding that the cap is still attached to the bottle, which could be an issue when it comes to recycling these bottles. One major problem when it comes to recycling of plastics is that it is crucial that these plastics are separated by the material they are made of. That is why it is impossible to recycle compound materials, as they can't be separated from each other (i.e. tetra pak, tetra bric). The most common way of getting rid of these kind of packings is to burn them and use their heat for generating electricity.

These plastic bottles on the other hand can be recycled easily, as they consist of only one material (PET) - given, that the label is made of the same kind of plastic like the bottle itself.

I don't know if the bottle cap is made of the same material (PET) or if this is another kind of plastic (ABS, PS, ...). Making these bottle caps from the same material as the bottle itself would impose a greater impact than tethering them onto the bottle.

At first glance this measurement sounds like a low-hanging-fruit-greenwashing-attempt that hurts nobody. Very similar to the ban of disposable plastic cutlery or the ban of plastic straws. Don't get me wrong - I think that these things are an important step towards reducing pollution and garbage overall, but did you ever ask yourself: "How does the garbage get into the ocean in the first place?"

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 19 points 4 months ago

There is an eerie resemblence between the smallest neuron and the largest structure in the universe - Galaxy Filament

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 19 points 4 months ago

Stell dir vor, es ist Europameisterschaft, alle träumen vom nächsten Sommermärchen und es gibt nichts zum Grillen! Für Millionen Menschen in Deutschland ein echtes Horrorszenario, das tatsächlich eintreten könnte.

Boah, schlimm. Und alles nur, weil keiner mehr arbeiten will! Dabei kaufen wir doch schon alle beim regionalen Land-Metzger, wegen des Tierwohls und auch wegen der Arbeitsbedingungen. /s

Wenn es einem so wichtig ist, Fleisch zur EM parat zu haben, dann könnte man dieses ja auch vorab kaufen und einfrieren. Oder man erweitert mal sein kulinarisches Spektrum und probiert etwas neues aus. Mittlerweile sind vegane Alternativen ja ganz passabel geworden.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 76 points 4 months ago

Back in 2565 BC cameras weren't that advanced like they are today. Due to the long exposure time these people had to stand still for several hours in order to avoid too much blurriness of the photo. You can see that the people in the background (middle left in the photo) were moving slightly as the photo is a bit blurrier compared to the foreground.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 11 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Bad news, the manufacturer is located in Switzerland and, as stated in the brochure, they advertise their product as "Made in EU". Probably to implicate that any data which will be collected and processed will be under the terms of GDPR.

I haven't looked up the terms regarding GDPR, but I assume that their data collection is somewhat "compliant" with GDPR, which does not necessaryly mean anything. It can just mean that data is not stored locally, albeit it will be send to the manufacturer (but probably entcrypted). However, under GDPR you can enforce your right of deletion of the collected data - that is, if you know that data about you has been collected.

What makes this issue so severe is that it would have never been detected that data has been collected and processed, if it weren't for a malfunction.

Edit: grammar, spelling


A well done interpretation of Queen - We Will Rock You performed in the style of AC/DC

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 85 points 6 months ago

The worst part of all is that no one would think of the fact that a vending machine is performing facial recognition techniques, because in general it is assumed that a vending machine is a mechanical device, as it has been in the past. There is not any user benefit in that.

I researched the manufacuter and in their brochure (see page 6) of a similar vending machine it is revealed what data can be processed:

Among the worst data sets are:

  • product demographics
  • measuring of foot traffic
  • gender/ age/ etc.

Bonus: on page 7 of the product brochure they introduce an app which allows the customer to make purchases directly from their smatphone, with features like

  • consumer engagement through gamification, interactive marketing, gifting, scratch-and-win receipts, product sampling and cross selling

"What do customers get?"

  • a fun and engaging payment process

Finally! I always thought that payment is not fun enough. What a time to be alive.

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 10 points 7 months ago

As for an addition to the topic I leave this link to a study which gives some insight to consuming behavior:

Signaling Status with Luxury Goods: The Role of Brand Prominence

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 11 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It is woth mentioning that Friedrich Merz made up accusations against refugees recieving free dental work in the past. He said: "Die sitzen beim Arzt und lassen sich die Zähne neu machen, und die deutschen Bürger nebendran kriegen keine Termine." which translates to: "These [refugees] are sitting at the doctor and get their teeth done, and the German citizen does not get an appointment" This is grade-A-populism.

Also, the CDU, the party Friedrich Merz is a member of, refused to participate in the protests against the raise of the Nazis with the reasoning, that the left party (die Linke) is participating as well, and that the CDU wouldn't support anything the left party stands for.

It it safe to say, that our democracy is theratened by the CDU as well. Also, because members of the CDU took part in a meeting which discussed the mass deportation of foreign people. The CDU party is quite hesitant to distance themselves from it. This meeting sparked the ongoing protests, where - as of today over 300,000 people participated in.

Edit: spelling


An impressive performance!

[-] nicerdicer2@sh.itjust.works 21 points 8 months ago

It only would be a big problem if household devices like washing machines are built in a way that makes a connection to the internet mandatory in order to function properly. Imagine you can't do your laundry because of an internet outage.

Name any household device (washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, toaster, water kettle, iron, coffee maker, (microwave) oven, ...) that has been improved in functionality by connecting it to the internet, making it a internet-of-things-device. I can't think of any.

We have a washing machine that cannot be connected to the internet. After starting the program, we set up a timer on our smartphone, 15 minutes longer than the time the washing machine display is predicting. Works like a charm.

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