So at the end of the day it's all the italians fault, really
yeah how dare they not follow our jingoist propaganda? Put them on the electric chair!!!
Capitalism only works on a small scale. The second society gets bigger, you require a state with militaristic presence to keep corporations in line.
Wrong. Half of europe relied so much on american protection that they had barely any military spending. Germany at the forefront, we only have ammunition for like 2 days of combat. So ye, that’s nonsense.
You have fucking rammstein. How dishonest can you be lmao.
You're under occupation and you're sucking up the occupiers.
I know. My grand-grandpa wanted to enlist in the volonteers to go work in germany to support the war effort against the big bad reds.
Good thing his wife told him he was never seeing her again if he did that.
It's not a branch of my family i'm very proud of lmao. Bunch of child beating assholes