Just a nitpick, but I’m like 100% certain you’d be able to hear the difference between Bach and Beethoven lol
Hummmm… I can think of a couple more historical events that follow a similar pattern…
Parenting tip: be careful with excess diplomacy, your children might grow up to become bards…
Coyote Bao just sounds like a health code violation lmao
And instead of killing them Dulles and the rest of the Nazi US government gave them jobs in NATO, the CIA, the West German government etc. very cool.
The more you learn the more the phrase “Nazism wasn’t defeated in WW2, it was internationalised” makes sense.
It depends… I wouldn’t say I cherry-pick, but if the art has a message that parallels the issues I have with the artist, it’s hard not to “separate” them. Like Kanye’s latest album… I can listen to College Dropout and Life of Pablo no problem, they don’t have any Nazi messaging. But his latest album is filled with very weird lyrics that just make me uncomfortable.
Another example would be someone like Dali, who was an avowed fascist. But his paintings don’t really have anything to do with that. And I quite enjoy them still.
They should’ve peacefully marched and protested!
…. Like they did in 2018 and got brutally shot down by the dozens of thousands, with thousands of dead and more than 10 times that maimed for life with their knees destroyed, intentionally, by IDF soldiers as they laughed? When they marched peacefully towards the walls and barriers, making their concerns heard in protests and absolutely nothing got better and no one cared?
In any case, we all know everything we’ve ever achieved was done through peaceful protest. Like the civil rights movement! MLK made some speeches and the white bourgeoisie felt bad and changed all the laws.
Don’t look into how MLK was murdered and there was mass protest and revolt with plenty of violence before any changes ever happened…
Cum coins. Shells. Screams of despair.
And the exchange rate between them will be convoluted and insane.
I vote to execute all cops, bosses and landlords.
Not being aware of others and how your actions and being affect them.
Very simple example: fuckers who walk towards you on a sidewalk and don’t even blink (edit: I meant think but this is funny nonsense lol) about moving an inch to the side to avoid hitting you. Like looking straight past you not budging even a bit…
The “left” in the US is really actually center-right. And the “right” is far-right. So yes, both the “left” and “right” in the US are basically the same. Neoliberalism is just fascism with a smart suit and empty platitudes after all.
But saying the left and right are the same when talking about political ideology (and not the political landscape of the USA) is extremely wrong.
The right wants to conserve existing power structures or revert to previous ones. The left wants to dismantle power structures and bring about egalitarianism.
That is the dichotomy. To the right hierarchy, to the left egalitarianism.
The USA has been the subject of the most powerful and long lasting propaganda machine and psyops in history.
That’s literally what anti-Zionist Jews have been saying since Zionism was born over 100 years ago…
Zionism IS antisemitic. It’s based on the idea Jews are incapable of living with other peoples. That Jews are incapable of not making other peoples hate them.
That’s literally what Theodore Herzl thought and wrote when justifying an ethnically pure Jewish state.
Like the dude hated Jews as much as the antisemitic Christians around him.
And progressive, communist mostly, Jews mounted opposition to this. Choosing to fight for rights and acceptance, for protections and for a popular revolution. SINCE THE BEGINNING. And they were the fucking majority by far. Zionism was fucking FRINGE.
And it makes me really sad to think that so many of those antizionist fighters stayed in Europe until after WW2, fought to liberate Jews in camps, fight Nazis and fascists, make up huge numbers of the partisans all over Europe.
Then after WW2, the nascent settler colonial state of Israel that was struggling for decades to attract Jews, literally denied entry to many of the survivors of camps and only allowed partisans and people who fought in. They formed many of the first communities, which is why so many were communistic.
Also why Stalin at first supported Israel, hoping they’d turn communist and ally with the USSR.
But European colonists gonna colonize and so many became straight up fascists themselves and created the basis of the modern ultra Zionist movement.