Bees are one of the only animals we observed to understand the concept of 0. They can do algebra. They can communicate complex ideas to each other, like the relative position of the sun accounting for the passage of time.
And for silly facts, carpenter bees don’t have stingers. They live in procreating pairs. The males usually defend the nest. But without stingers, what can they do? Well they fly around their nest and “bump” their heads into threats. Over and over. Until the threat leaves, feeling threatened by the little bee.
If you’ve never gotten a little bumblebee headbutt, you feel really special. Like “wow little guy, thanks for saying I’m big and scary”.
Bees are cool. Some might say they are the bees knees even!
The myth of consensual peace deals…
“Isn’t there somebody you forget to ask?” 🇺🇸🦅