She mainly suggested it for the summer holidays since I've recently graduated from a very stressful and high intensity school program!
She still gave me my meds but I do think she wanted me to take a break so that my body would be able to.... Deflate.
I'm 100% sure I would have kept myself busy and never taken the time to just exist otherwise.
It DID make me realise that I can survive without the meds, though I dislike it.
The first day, I felt like I was gonna ruin my life without it. But now I realise that it was anxiety due to using it and feeling so good with them.
It helped me realise that no, I won't die without them. But I do need them.
They're not crucial to my survival right now so I can reduce the fréquence of taking them.
I usually take a break on Sundays, and take only my anti-depressants ^^ But I guess she might have wanted me to try and gauge how much I needed them now that I've graduated.
She mainly suggested it for the summer holidays since I've recently graduated from a very stressful and high intensity school program!
She still gave me my meds but I do think she wanted me to take a break so that my body would be able to.... Deflate.
I'm 100% sure I would have kept myself busy and never taken the time to just exist otherwise.
It DID make me realise that I can survive without the meds, though I dislike it.
The first day, I felt like I was gonna ruin my life without it. But now I realise that it was anxiety due to using it and feeling so good with them.
It helped me realise that no, I won't die without them. But I do need them.
They're not crucial to my survival right now so I can reduce the fréquence of taking them.
I usually take a break on Sundays, and take only my anti-depressants ^^ But I guess she might have wanted me to try and gauge how much I needed them now that I've graduated.