I got completely lost on a highway abroad and Symbian on roaming saved me. And costed a lot in roaming fees.
XMPP. Simplex.
Yeah I got old man's habits after having no energy for the same reason as you. Save that sweet energy whenever you can.
Were you really?
Reporting from the battlefield, the grinding made the vapor thicker than I've ever seen from this device. Amazing, thank you for the tip sen-pai.
As for the effect, I'm definitely stoned but not uplifted. We'll see how it goes as time passes, maybe it will take some time for the full effect to work.
Huh. I have not been grinding, maybe that's the problem. Lots of good hints overall, I need to sit down with your post in the evening and try doing it exactly as you said. Maybe from there on I'll find my own way :) I'm a lightweight too, smoking maybe once or twice a month
Thank you for the write-up!
So just like CDBC with expiration date from conspiracy theories?
HOW? I looked all over the menus, pop up menu too.
Re. Why, it's convenient for a quick task, and reduces clutter.
No real reason. It's stable so I keep using it. Look at the official list: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/community/community-instances/
My first thought too