[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 72 points 4 months ago

Welcome to climate change. This is just the tip of the iceberg: things are just going to continue getting worse and worse each and every year.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 72 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

What is the common thread that links almost all of these crazies? I mean, even more than religion.

Conservatism. Almost all of them vote for, or are elected representatives of, conservative parties.

And conservatism encourages divisiveness and bigotries like this. To be suspicious of and actively hate others, to find “evil” where none exist. To believe in falsehoods even when they have been demonstrably debunked.

Conservatism of all stripes is fundamentally evil. Conservatism is what will destroy civilization, and eventually, humanity.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 56 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Canadian here, British Columbia.

Going to a Wal-Mart in a small-ish town and counting 38 CCTV cameras across the outside front of the building. Ours, in a city with 28× the population, has only 6.

Inside that same Wal-Mart, going into a checkout line without first checking out the customers, and the very next guy ahead of us was an open carry: a semi-auto (AR-15 like looking weapon) slung over his shoulders, a handgun in a holster on his waist, and a lump on his right ankle above his boots. And two knives on his belt. Dude looked like he was ready for some urban warfare.

The sheer amount of infrastructure decay. Sure, even Canadian towns that haven’t seen economic good times look run down and dilapidated, but American towns really kick that up a notch. Most small-town buildings look like they haven’t seen a makeover since the Carter administration.

Unusually authentic Mexican food. Up here 90% of Mexican places are run by white dudes who make semi-authentic “fusion” dishes that are mainly just spicy. Cross the border and less than 15 minutes in, there is one family-run chain (Rancho Chico, Rancho Grande) with super-cheap 100% authentic foods run and staffed solely by Mexicans. And like, holy shit, that’s good food.

The sheer number of people who support and vote for a party who will do absolutely nothing for them, and will enact policies that will drive them even further into poverty and destitution just so their Parasite-Class campaign donors can get even more obscenely wealthy. Conservative voters are just weird, man.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 70 points 6 months ago

Sailors on the ship then began finding the STINKY network and asking questions about it.

Oh, c’mon. it is trivial to make an SSID “hidden” for any networking tech that you have administrative control over. That way, only those “in the know” will know the SSID name to type in, in order to access said wireless network. It would not be “discoverable” by standard wireless-connectivity gear such as the default wifi interface in mobile phones.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 77 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Crime is a result of desperation and lack of economic opportunities.

Chronic addictions are a result of untreated/untreatable trauma.

Homelessness arises from poverty and precarious economic conditions, and can trigger both of the prior two.

And yet, these people are voting for the parties that would seek to implement and perpetuate poverty, precariousness, trauma and economic inequality.

…the fuq?

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 74 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

NCS is a company that offers information communication and technology services.


he used his laptop to gain unauthorised access to the system using the administrator login credentials.

Okay, what the guy did was immature and shitty, but holy hell this company is incompetent. How did their own internal IT not lock him out of anything even remotely sensitive the moment he was fired?

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 71 points 9 months ago

There is a reason why little endian is preferred in virtually 100% of cases: sorting. Mentally or lexicographically, having the most important piece of information first will allow the correct item be found the fastest, or allow it to be discounted/ignored the quickest.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 68 points 10 months ago

I prefer the term “Parasite Class”.

Many think the poor to be parasites, but they are actually the opposite.

After all, what is the mark of a parasite? It makes the host think that it is benign, of no harm whatsoever, and in some cases it even convinces its host that it provides a benefit. All the while it visits the most harmful deprivations upon the host, right up to sucking the lifeblood from it until it dies a horrible death.

No other tranche of human society matches those attributes more effectively than the wealthy.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 58 points 1 year ago

Where I live, that would be pretty much 100% of landlords.

The last time rent on an average 2bdrm apartment was only three times the income of the average-income married couple was back in the 90s. Now it’s more like 50% of their monthly pre-tax income. Or something like 65-70% their post-tax income. For single people who don’t want roommates it’s even worse.

The Canadian housing situation makes the American one look like the bottoming-out of a housing crash.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 64 points 1 year ago

And it’s not the owning class, it’s the Parasite Class.

A lot of people own capital without becoming parasitical, and therefore, obscenely wealthy. But becoming obscenely wealthy requires parasitism.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 67 points 1 year ago

Virtually every single bad adaptation can be directly traced back to studio interference.

Movies like LoTR only happened because the studios thought it would be a colossal flop, and so left the directors and producers alone.

If you want great movies, the studios need to leave the producers and directors the hell alone.

[-] rekabis@lemmy.ca 57 points 1 year ago

It’s not about the soda, it’s about the corporate hypocrisy, gratuitously fake goodwill, rampant greed, and bait-and-switching of hard-working Canadians.

If you’re going to be defending Galen West in any way, I strongly suggest you find elsewhere to be licking those boots.

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